34. Poison

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After I had left Hunter behind, I went back outside to find no one there. The metas that were there minutes before had vanished, and so did the cops. However, there were a few fires still burning, but I had just assumed that Barry had taken care of the issue and saved Joe. At least, I hoped that's what happened.

I was just more than glad to get out of there okay, mostly because the hole in my thigh wasn't healing as fast as it should be. The only logical explanation for it was that I was running out of the speed force, but even that seemed like a stretch. I had borrowed some from Barry before even coming out here to help, so it surprised me to find out that it was already diminishing.

I tried my best to run on it, but it was near impossible. It hurt like absolute hell, and I knew that I needed to get back to S.T.A.R. Labs. So, in short stretches of time, I found a way to use the speed I had left to run a few distances, but then tumble to the ground out of pain and loss of footing. I wasn't far away from the building, but without the full power and with my wounded leg, it made it harder to get there.

It took me forever it felt like to finally get there, and that was where I was now. My wound was throbbing and bleeding all down my leg, and because of the loss of blood and the physical activity, I felt utterly light headed. As I stumbled through the door of S.T.A.R. labs, I fall to the ground and heave huge breaths, hoping that this wouldn't have happened; wondering if maybe leaving Hunter wasn't such a good idea in the first place.

"Raven?" I hear Cisco's voice through an intercom say, causing me to look up at the celling at the camera they had installed by the door. Just a few seconds after I look into the camera, I see a flash of lightning run down the hall before joining me by my side, giving me ease.

Barry's hands shake as he looks me up and down, but mostly looking at the blood that was now on the floor. "What-What happened?"

I shake my head, the room starting to get dizzy. "Z-Zoom..."

I fade out then, but just before I lose myself, I feel Barry wrap me in his arms and dash me upstairs. For a long while, I lost most of my senses, but eventually my hearing started to come back to me, and all I could hear was the sound of Caitlin trying to help me and Barry urging her to. At the time, I was so out of it that I didn't even realize that Caitlin was there.

"...Raven," I hear a voice say, but I couldn't decipher who's it was. "C-Can you...hear me?"

I try to nod my head, and while I do, I hear more talking.

"What's wrong with her?"

"...She lost a l-lot of blood."

"Why isn't she healing?"

I find the words in my throat then as I try to speak, but it was utterly weak sounding. "The speed force...I-"

I feel a hand in mine then, and I knew it had to be Barry's. I hear him say something to me, but I couldn't quite make out the words of what he said. However, I knew that he was offering me his speed, so that's what I focused on. It was harder to do it this time around, but I could feel his speed helping me.

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