21. Compromise

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So, I heard Hunter out. He told me that he didn't want me knowing his real name because he didn't want it to accidentally slip out of my mouth around the wrong person, because that would be more than bad. His past was his weakness, I knew that, and if someone knew his real identity, that would mean they had control over him. 

As for my parents...he found a way to apologize about it. He told me that they were the ones who tortured him before the particle accelerator exploded, and that was hard to believe. I never really knew what my parents did as an occupation, but I knew they were doctors of some sort. After he told me that they tortured him, I couldn't see them hurting anyone, but at this point in my life, I wasn't sure about anything anymore. I trusted Hunter...I knew that much. 

I was upset that he didn't tell me that my parents were dead all of this time, but he justified that with his own past. He said he wanted to give me false hope so that I didn't turn out as dark and cold like he did...he didn't want to give me a repeat of his own childhood. I understood that, but what I didn't understand was why he had to kill my parents. I knew Hunter better than anyone, and I knew why he did, but I couldn't get it through my head why he had to. 

After he told me everything, I forgave him. Hunter was one of the last people in my life that believed in me and trusted me, so I couldn't lose him. Besides, if I didn't forgive him and did lose him, what would I be? I wasn't anyone without Hunter Zolomon; without Zoom.

Now here I was, racing along side Hunter, now wearing my original Silver Trickster costume. We had already jumped through the breech, and we were now on our way to S.T.A.R. Labs to meet up with Barry. Wally was in Hunter's grasp as we ran, going to get Barry's speed. I couldn't decide what I thought about the idea; I didn't want Barry to lose his speed, but I also didn't want to lose Hunter. Him getting Barry's speed was the only way he would live...I just wished that there was another way.

The sudden urge to turn around fills my gut when I see S.T.A.R. Labs off in the distance, but no way in hell was I going to. I had to see how all of this was going to play out and if Barry was okay...I knew he was going to be mad at me and more than likely hate me, but I needed to know. I needed to see him.

We finally reach S.T.A.R. Labs in a matter of seconds as I follow Hunter up to the second floor where the main area was where they talked about everything. My heart pumps in my chest when I suddenly stop, looking around to find everyone staring at me. There was Joe, Iris, Wells, Caitlin, Cisco, and finally, Barry. Our eyes connect for a split second, but then Hunter was speaking, causing his eyes to leave me. I could see that he was okay; his leg was healed already.

"Glad to see you again, Allen," he hisses in that menacing voice of his. I was used to it by now. 

Barry looks over at Wally. "My speed for Wally, that's the deal."

Wally's eyes are wide. I was positive that he was confused as hell about what was going on; I mean, here he was, standing in S.T.A.R. Labs with The Flash and his family, in the hands of a villain. Not to mention that I was on the villains side. I almost felt sorry for the kid.

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