49. Glory and Gore

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"Now you're just like me," Hunter breathes as he looks down at Barry like a mad man. I stand there frozen as Barry shouts over his fathers now dead body, screaming and crying for him to come back, that he was going to be okay. "Let the darkness in, Barry."

I pull my eyes away from Barry and connect them with Hunter, feeling nothing but pure hatred course through my entire body. Before thinking, I lift my hand up and use my powers to throw him against the wall, locking him there in place just like how I had done to Eobard when Barry and I had gone back in time. My chest heaves deep breaths as I scream, focusing on everything to keep him there.

Barry stays over his father's body as I walk towards Hunter, anger radiating from me. I cant find the words to say as Hunter laughs at me, finding amusement in all of this. I hated it.

"It's good to see you're still kicking," he laughs, stopping for a moment to catch his breath. "I'll have to admit, when I figured out you were still breathing, I wanted to finish you off myself, but then I thought it'd be more fun to let this drag out a little bit farther."

I narrow my eyes as I shake my head. "You knew I was-"

"Of course I knew!" he screams over me. "I've known you for half of your life, Raven. I know more about you than you know your own self. Besides, why else would I bring Laurel here? I thought she could finish the job, but I guess I underestimated her."

I grit my teeth as I tighten my hand, my muscles beginning to cramp from the sudden force. Hunter lifts off the ground then as he stays glued to the wall, another laugh escaping his throat. I hear Barry sob from behind me once more, causing me to look over my shoulder. Seeing him so torn like this...it broke my heart, and it wasn't fair.

"You feel the anger, don't you, Flash?" Hunter breathes as Barry looks up at him, tears filling his eyes. "Now the two of us are the same...well, three."

He glances over at me in that moment, knowing that he was talking about my parents. I let out a scream as I throw him into the other wall, making sure he hit hard. He grunts from the impact before laughing, but that only made Barry more angry. Before I know it, Barry is flashing forwards and punching Hunter in the face, and then the gut, but it only makes him laugh.

"That's right, Flash, use your anger!" Hunter screams over Barry. "Just like I did."

Barry stops in that moment, a painful sob escaping his throat. I taste blood in my mouth, but I didn't care. I go to throw Hunter once again, but before I can, he looks at me and grins. "You've gotten stronger, but you'll never be stronger than me."

Before I can react, Hunter's eyes flash blue lightning as he somehow is able to unstick himself from the wall. My eyes widen in panic for a moment, but just when I race towards him to fight back, he's dashing forwards and grabbing me by the collar, dragging me along behind him as he races out of the house and down the street.

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