Chapter 16: Numb this pain..

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"Why is this happening????!" I barely heard Yoongi scream through the loud blast of music! Me, Jiminie and Taehyungie were just dancing to the insane beat when it was suddenly turned off.. "Eomma! Why did you turn it off??? We were just getting started here!"

Eomma Jin just crossed his arms.. "Dinner's ready.." that one phrase had me and Taehyungie racing to the table. "Yah! No running!" Appa Rapmon yelled.. Taehyungie and I gulped.. We didn't want to face the wrath of the God of Destruction.. So we walk-raced..

Ha! I'm first! "Yah, you cheated.." Taehyungie pouted.. (╯3╰) "No I didn't." Well.. maybe I did make him trip a few times..?

"Enough with the games you two.. It's time to eat. Sit down." We both listened to what eomma said..

I forgot to tell you.. After the radio broadcast, eomma Jin invited me to their dorm saying he wanted to cook a welcoming feast! Of course I agreed! Who says no to food? ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Anyway, when I first entered their dorm.. I felt a little awkward until Jiminie and Taehyungie invited me to play games. Rapmonie scolded us a few times and I eventually called him 'Appa' since he really looks like one when he's scolding us. Hobi, Jungkookie and Yoongi were just watching us play.. After a while, the quiet(if it was ever quiet) games escalated to dance battles.. the music grew louder and louder until it became too loud for Yoongi.. and here we are now.

"So how's the dorm? Still feel awkward??" Hobi asked.. "Nope. It feels so much like home.. Me and my brothers do similar stuff like this whenever I'm home.. And my dad's always there scolding us when we get out of hand.. ahaha"

"Do you miss them?" Eomma asked.. "Sometimes.. But I'll see them soon." I said and took a spoonful of food into my mouth... "Hmm! This is so yummy!" I exclaimed and started eating like I usually do... Like a hungry wild beast.. ฅ(๑*▽*๑)ฅ!!

I didn't really care if they stopped eating just to watch me gulp down this delicious food. I just wanted to eat! "Wow, you sure can eat. Hahaha" Yoongi commented..

After eating and helping eomma with the dishes, we watched movies one after another hahaha.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time.. It's 22:00 Philippine Time.. The Philippines is an hour behind Korea's time zone.. So it means it's already 11pm?! Jungkookie also looked at his phone and noticed the time. "Oh, it's already this late?"

The other members looked at their phones too. "You should go to sleep. I'll take her to the hotel." Appa said.. "You shouldn't drive." Almost all the members including me said it at the same time..

(。╥﹏╥。)- Appa Rapmon

"I can just take a cab you know?" I said as I grabbed my bag.. "It's dangerous for a girl to be out at this time.. Specially  famous idol.. Just call your manager.." Eomma said.. So I tried ringing him up but to no avail.. "I can't reach him.."

So I tried calling Jessie.. But I can't reach her too. Those two! What are they doing? Huh!

[Maybe they're sleeping?]

"I can't reach any one.." I mumbled.. the members seemed troubled.. "I can take care of myself.. I'll be going now." I said and they accompanied me to the door..

"Please be careful okay?" Eomma said and gave me a hug.. "Wait.." he grabbed my phone and entered his number. "Call me when you get to the hotel.." "Roger that.."

I left their dorm and waited for a cab.. It's late so it might take some time to catch a cab at this hour..?

The cold November air brushed past me, sending chills down my spine.. No wait...

It's not the air.. I feel like someone's watching me.. I hurriedly searched my bag for that little can of pepper spray Jessie always snuck in. Aha! Whoever's watching me, prepare your eyes for this tiny but lethal can of pepper spray!

I pulled up my mask to hide my face a little more when I still feel the gaze of someone.. There were still a few people here and there but I still feel alone..

I suddenly felt a presence not far behind me.. Who are you..?

He's coming close.. I can feel it.. Closer.. and closer.. Clos-*beep!*beep!* I looked at the street and saw a car stop in front of me. The windows rolled down and Park Jimin came into view.. "I made it, thank god.. Hop in."

he unlocked the door and opened it.. I looked behind me and there was no one there..

"Is there something there?" Jiminie asked.. I just shrugged. Maybe I was paranoid? "Why didn't you just say you were gonna drive me to the hotel?" I asked..

"I snuck out.. I'm doing this secretly.." He admitted "Oh.. Why?"

"Because I'm your 'boyfriend' today.. Remember?" he laughed a little.. But I just looked out the window.. I almost forgot about that... Today's the day when my bias, Park Jimin, became my pretend boyfriend.. He tied my hair, complimented me, sat next to me whenever he had the chance.. and now, drive me to the hotel.. Just simple stuff..

I like it--ow.. My chest hurts again.. "Are you alright?" he asked switching his eyes from the road to me and back at the road again real quick.. "It's fine.. Just heart burn.."


After a while.. the pain went away and we were almost to the hotel.. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of him and me.. "Yah, no pictures ahaha.. You've already taken a lot at the dorm.." he noticed? "What do you mean? I wasn't taking pictures.." (。•́︿•̀。)

"Don't lie. You definitely were. But don't worry I won't tell them.. Haha" I said a little 'thanks' and took a photo of the road..

"Do you like taking photos?" he asked after a while.. "Yup.. Since pictures can make the memories last.. I used to think that the eyes are the best cameras and the mind/memory is the greatest photo album. But it changed.." after I knew that..

"Why did it change?" he asked as he parked the car.. "The memories you keep in your mind will live in you.. But once you're gone, they'll be gone too.."

"But you can tell them as stories to someone else, and they'll tell them to someone else too.. Eventually, the story will live on to those people.. It won't be gone." he reasoned..

"But those will end when no one retells them.. Pictures can preserve the memory. You can tell the story while showing the picture or they'll understnd the story by just looking at the picture. Then they'll become new memories. The pictures will live on to new generations long after we're gone.."

"Why do you talk like you'll be gone soon?" I froze with his question.. but I mustered a smile.. "We never know what can happen. So making memories and living every moment like it's the last is kind of a thing for me.. Anyway, thanks for the ride. Tomorrow, we're back to normal. Hahaha.." I got out of the car and said a little 'good night' before entering the hotel..

Once I locked the door to my room, I fell to my bed clutching my chest.. Bear with it.. Just a little more.. You should bear with it for a little more.. You can do it..

"Angie.. Are you back?" I heard Jessie knock on the door.. I couldn't answer her.. it's becoming too hard to breathe.. "Angie? .. Are you already asleep?"

Yes.. I will be, soon..

My consciousness is slowly slipping away..

Please, numb my pain..

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