I Can Be Your Hero

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Annabel: *is sitting on the edge of the bed, taking care of EJ has he coughed and sneezed*

EJ: Thanks, *sneezes (FAHK!!!! AGAIN WITH THE SNEEZES?!?! FIRST ANNA NOW YOU?!?! FUUUU-)* Annabel. Y-You really don't h-have *sneezes* to t-take care of me...

Annabel: Don't be silly why wouldn't I-

??: *rings the doorbell at the front door*

Hisoka: *walks into the room* Annabel, you check who it is. I'll take care of EJ.

Annabel: *is a little skeptical but nods* Alright... but, you better not try anything Hisoka...

Hisoka: Whatever. Now, go! *pushes her out of the room and closes the door*

Annabel: *sighs and runs downstairs, opening the front door* Ohmergherd! Andrea, is that really you?!

Andrea: *laughs* Well, who else would it be?

Annabel: *squeals and hugs her* Oh gawd, I am so glad to see you! What are you doing here?

Ciara: *walks up behind Annabel* Oh, I invited her. I thought she should live here since she's pretty cool and all. And I know the others would like her. Besides, we do need another girl in this house that's our age, too!

Nikki: Oh, and I'm not good enough?

Ciara: I meant, someone new! And, you can have another best friend, Nikki!

Nikki: Lolz. Okay, well, welcome to ze family! I'm Nikki, by the way.

Andrea: Heh! It's nice to meet you! *smiles*

Annabel: *notices she has a few bags in her hands* Oh, um... we should probably let you go for now so you can put some of your things away. There's a few rooms upstairs that I can show you to.

Andrea: Okay! Sure!

Annabel: Okay, let's go! *walks upstairs*

Andrea: *follows*

Annabel: Okay, so here's this room. I think it'd be big enough for all your stuff if you want to live in this room.

Andrea: *looks inside the room* Okay, I'm fine with it!

Annabel: Okay, well, my room is just two doors down and is on your right if you need anything. Hey, I'll be right back. I need to check on EJ.

Andrea: Okay! See ya! *walks downstairs*

Annabel: *walks towards EJ's room and knocks on the door* .... *knocks on the door again and no one answers again* Hisoka... *opens the door* Okay, Hisoka you can- *gasps as she sees EJ shirtless and him and Hisoka kissing*

EJ: *pushes Hisoka off of him and looks at Annabel* A-Anna, I-it's not what it looks like! *stands up, grabbing his shirt and walking towards Annabel*

Annabel: *a tear rolls down her cheek as she looks down at her feet* I-I never want to s-see you again... *runs out of the room*

EJ: Anna! Wait! *runs after her*

Annabel: *runs into her room and slams the door shut, locking it*

EJ: *bangs on the door* Anna! Open up! Annabel!

Nikki, Ciara, and Andrea: *come running up the stairs* What's going on?!

EJ: Nothing. Just stay out of-

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