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~~7 in ze morning~~

Angel: *sleeping in bedroom*

Hoodie and LJ: *run around the house, waking up the others and yelling* AW YEAH! WAKE UP! YEAH! AW YEAH! WAKE UP! YEAH!

Hoodie: *barges in through Angel's door* AWH YEAH! WAKE UP! YEAH! *jumps ontop of Angel* AW YEAH! WAKE UP! YEAH! *humps Angel's leg*

Angel: *wakes up and pushes Hoodie off* HOODIE!! *laughs* That's f*cking wrong!

Hoodie: *runs out of room laughing*

Angel: *throws a pillow at Hoodie as he runs out* Well, that happened. *checks clock just as the computer dinged three times* Not again! *grabs computer and checks comments on Wattpad* Okay, I'll be sure to get those dares once we're done wih the others... *gets out of bed and walks downstairs with computer*

Hoodie: *whispers something to LJ*

LJ: Holy crap! You serious?

Hoodie: I'm serious!

LJ: *laughs* Dude, she's gonna kill you if she finds out you took it!

Hoodie: Well, if she were to find out I'd just say it was a dare.

Angel: Tell who whatever it is you guys are talking about is a dare?

Hoodie: *turns around quickly* Um.. that... I um... *tries to think of something* Humped your leg this morning? *realizes what he said and face palms* Why did I say that out loud?

Jeff: *walks in as soon as he heard what Hoodie had said* What? XD

Hoodie: *blushes deeply under mask in embarrassment*

Angel: Anyways... Jeff, @MariaMclemore asked, "Jeff, did you know that the bird is the word???"

LJ: What? Wait! Jeff-

Jeff: *jumps ontop of coffee table and starts dancing and singing*

A-well-a, everybody's heard about the bird

Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word

A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word

A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is the word

A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word

A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is the word

Hoodie: SLENDY!!!!

Slender: *walks out from kitchen* I'm on it... *grabs Jeff by the back of his shirt and throws him out the window*

Angel: O-O ... Hopefully that answered your question... Anyways, I realized that yesterday we all had forgotten about a dare in Kameron's comment.

LJ: Wait...

Hoodie: You don't mean...

Angel: Yep... *le dramatic pause* ... We must give her candy and energy drinks...

Slender, Hoodie, and LJ: *gasp dramatically*

Slender: We can't do that! She's going to tear us apart!

Angel: We have to! She dared us!

Slender: But-

Angel: No excuses.

Slender: Angel-

Angel: *has fire in eyes and points upstairs* Get the f*cking girl, get her the f*ck down here, and get the f*cking sugar so we can finish the f*cking dare.

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