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[ DISCLAIMER: This chapter does NOT fall into the original storyline of "CreepyPasta Question and Dare Book!" ]

Voiceover: The CreepyPasta Show was filmed in front of a live studio audience.

*curtains open to reveal cast of CP Question and Dark Book*

Annabel: Welcome to the CreepyPasta Show where we rip off jokes and talk about how much we want to die.

Hoodie: ... Isn't that just you?

-- Technical Difficulties --

Annabel: Hi! My name's Annabel with my fellow CreepyPasta friends, and you're watching-

Jeff: Disney Channel!

-- Technical Difficulties --

Annabel: Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for a night you will not forget. A night full of joy and laughter and possibly some drama. Ladies and gentlemen... This is... *points to CreepyPastas behind her*

CreepyPastas: The CreepyPasta Show: 4 Year Anniversary!

Offender: *says louder than other CreepyPastas* WHEEL OF FORTUNE!!

-- Technical Difficulties --

Screen: *Annabel screaming punching Offender as everyone else screams and try to get her off him*

-- Technical Difficulties --

Screen: *Annabel now laughing maniacally as they drag Offender away and put her in a straight jacket*

-- Technical Difficulties --

Annabel: *smiles at crowd like nothing happened* Sorry about that! Just a little technical difficulties. Anyways, welcome to The CreepyPasta Show: 4 Year Anniversary!

Nikki: We got a lot of laughs and memories we want to share with you guys, so buckle your seat belts and get ready for the wild ride!

*static screen appears before showing everyone sitting in living room of mansion*

LJ: Hey, do you guys ever think about when all this started? Like when Annabel first arrived at the mansion?

Liu: *shrugs* Sometimes. It still feels like it happened just yesterday.

Nina: Hey, I've never been told this story!

Ciara: Yeah! That's no fair! Tell us!

Annabel: *laughs* Sorry! If y'all are so desperate to hear, I'll tell you. It all started many years ago...

The Beginning

Jeff: *walking around in the woods and says with a bored expression* I sure do hope nothing terrible happens to me today.

Slender: *pops up behind a tree in front of Jeff*

Jeff: *sarcastically screams* Oh no! The Slender Man! Whatever will I do?

Annabel: That's not even how it happened!

Jeff: I'M THE LEAD IN THIS THING, SO I CHOOSE HOW IT HAPPENED! *clears throat and starts to run in a stupid way in the opposite direction* Help me. Help me.

Masky: *prepares to jump down on tree in front of Jeff but jumps too late and falls on him instead*

Jeff: GOD DAMNIT, MASKY!! *pushes Masky off him and stands up*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2020 ⏰

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