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EJ: *wakes up alone in bed* (OH SHIT HE GOT PLAYED) Angel? *gets up and puts on his pants* Huh? *picks up a note on the bedside table* "Had to go. Be back soon." What the hell? *puts on a shirt and walks out of room, knocking on Slender's door*

Slender: *opens door and rubs fist on where his eye should be* What is it, EJ?

EJ: Have you seen Angel anywhere?


Slender: *slaps Kameron as gently as possibly with tentacle*

Kameron: OW! *pouts and rubs cheek*

EJ: It's not like that! She had a reason to leave I'm sure!

Slender: Look. Let's just wait a while for everyone to go and eat breakfast downstairs. She'll be back soon.

EJ: *sighs and nods as crashing and screams are heard from Ciara's room*

Kameron: WHAT WAS THAT?! *gets up quickly and runs to the room with EJ and Slender following*

Hoodie: *runs out of his room* What's going on?!

Slender: I don't know! *bangs on Ciara's and Jeff's door* OPEN UP!!

Kameron: Wait! I think I have their spare key in my room! *runs back to her room to grab the key*

Nina: *runs out of her room with a bathrobe on* Is everything alright?!

Hoodie: *hears Ciara scream even louder* I don't think so.

Kameron: I got it! *runs to door and place the key in the keyhole, unlocking it and barging into the room*

Ciara: *throwing broken glass from the bathroom mirror at Jeff while crying* YOU CHEATING SON OF A BITCH!!!

Jeff: *dodging the glass and gets hit in the shoulder by one of them* I SAID I WAS SORRY!!

Ciara: SORRY DOESN'T CUT IT!! *grabs Jeff's knife from the bedside table and charges at him*

Slender: *grabs Ciara quickly and restrains her with tentacles*

Everyone: *now watching in terror from the doorway*

Andrea: *walks into room* WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!

Ciara: HE CHEATED ON ME!!! HE CHEATED!!! *now kicking and screaming* I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!!! *now crying to the point she can't speak*

Nikki: Slendy, take her away! Please!

Slender: *carries Ciara out of the room*

Jeff: *panting* I didn't mean for it to-

Nikki: Shut up! You are in no position to explain yourself! Cheating is not an accident! It's a choice!

Andrea: Who was it?

Jeff: What?

Andrea: *growls and grabs him by the collar of his sweater* I asked, "Who was it?"

Jeff: *tries to look everywhere but at Andrea* ... Jane.

Andrea: *lets go of him and scoffs* Filthy scum. *kicks a broken lamp to her right* Get this place cleaned up! You're paying for this hotel room and everything that was damaged! *starts pushing everyone but Jeff out of the room and slams the door shut*

CreepyPasta Question and Dare Book! >:DWhere stories live. Discover now