Chapter 20

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Your eyes blinked open, "ugh my head."

"Easy...____..easy" a muffled voice spoke.

"Where am I?" you managed.

"Well you'"


"I was worried about you..."

"You were..." you swallowed the lump in your throat.."worried about me?"

"I couldn't just take you back to your own quarters..." he spoke at which moment your eyes adjusted and you saw you were in his quarters but back on the Finalizer?

"How did you get me here, without medical...trying to-"

"I was due back here, I have been summoned to speak with Snoke on your progress..."

"What happened to me.."

"To us...____ we, well I...we.."

"Kylo what's happened, what's wrong.."

"We force bonded..." You're mine.

You starred at him, eyes glossy and curious.

"Rest, I need to go," he said pacing from the room.

Wait. He and I...we? Fuck...


You'd fallen back to sleep, waking up never sure if it was day or night in space. Day you assumed. Early morning, you'd agreed with yourself on. You'd had the best sleep you think you'd ever had since being on the Finalizer, the best sleep you'd had in quite some time you thought to yourself.

"I don't suppose the Finalizer has a library?" you asked no one in particular, "you know it would be super helpful to know what on earth he was on about? Force bond? Does that mean I can..." you shook the thoughts from your mind.

You missed books, music, art. You'd always prided yourself on your creativity, made a point that you'd make your saber like no one had ever seen. Too bad Kylo took care of that for you, it had always bugged you, it wasn't supposed to behave like it did.


"I wonder where he put it?" You sprung out of bed noticed you were fully dressed, hadn't you once been naked? The thought didn't matter, Kylo must have dressed you in your earlier state, I mean was he not indebted to you now he'd 'bonded' with you. Well in more way than one, you thought.

Your memories of your childhood still burned in the back of your mind, a flame that never truly diminished, always there, always alight. However you'd long since forgotten about it, unearthing it for Kylo didn't make a difference to you, it was shown to him, it was gone again for you. Just the candle burning dim at the back of your mind, like usual.

You scanned the room, nothing was jumping out. Perhaps you'd half expected an obedient little dog to come bounding over, in the shape of your saber. Or even a small key that fit nicely in your palm at all times, upon pressing it's dazzling red button an alarm sounds to locate the thing.

Something however did catch your attention, on one of Kylo's side tables your gloves had been left.

Prick. Always have to one up me don't you? How did he even find them?

You sighed picking them up, should you take them back to your quarters? Half of you wanted to leave Kylo's oppressive bedroom, half of you wanted to stay and sleep while you could and some how the half that wanted to sleep was itching for you to also make yourself cum as part of the process. Kylo popped into your mind. His features, his hair just covering his left eye as he said those words to you. Words only you could hear, yet his voice. Clear and dripping with wanton 'you're mine' it was enough to paralyse you.

"Back to bed then back to bed..." you cleared your throat. Getting comfy once more.


You moaned, perhaps I should stop. 

Kylo will kill me. 

But I'm so close. 

I should stop.

Yet despite your mantra you couldn't stop the movements you'd started on your clit.

Ugh imagine his mouth on it bringing me over the edge. 

His fingers inside me. 

I should stop.

I wanted him in the showers, I wanted to push his shoulders down so he'd get on his knees and he wouldn't resist.

"Is your tongue as skilled as your fighting against your own apprentice?" I'd say.

He'd shove said tongue against my clit and lick gentle bands across it. His eyes on mine as he does so, using his hands to rest on my thighs to steady me against him. He'd work me into a soft rhythm, before his tongue swirls around it.

You increased you speed on your clit imagining it was his tongue: his mouth.

I'd push my hips forward seek more friction and he wouldn't have held back, taking my clit into his mouth and sucking.

Fuck, his perfect teeth grazing it.

Bursts of pleasure pulsed through you starting at your clit and reaching your fingers.

You could imagine burying them in his hair, feeling each silky lock. Pleasure was reaching your head now, you tilt it back in delight, about to wipe out your senses entirely. Legs buckling under the pressure of your building orgasm.

He'd stop his tongue working on my clit but he'd keep the pressure there taken over by the force. His tongue would eagerly dip in and out....

Your fingers were motioning the moves you imagined him using. Your pussy no doubt dripping all over his sheets.

You snapped from your day dream for mere seconds:

I should stop

-before your visions of him started again.

"Too easy" he'd say in that sarcastic voice.

Your visions you'd conjured to reach euphoria seemed so realistic. Your personal accolade to his likeness and yet even in your visions he was right; but it wouldn't stop you now. One final thrust of your fingers and Kylo's face ricocheted through every muscle as your self inflicted orgasm shook through you.

Oh fuck Kylo...fuck.

Body-twitching, thighs-tightening.

Imagining how they would hold his face beneath you in place. Your eyes would open to see his still closed. His force signature all around you reveling in the taste of you. Aftermath of your orgasm. Fingers sewn through his hair-to steady your trembling frame, as he gathers as much of your cum as he could and swallows.

"May I be excused Supreme Leader"

"Ugh what? Hello did someone say something?" you could have sworn that was Kylo's voice. It sounded so close, "I think I came so hard I've gone insane" you said to yourself as you let yourself come back to reality.

A/n Heylo people. Guess what stupid thing happened to me! My ear drum burst I'm so fucking deaf right now. In bed feel like I'm dying both my ears are kaput. So just healing and I though hmm why not edit that chapter I wrote. So here you go guys. Here's to my ears healing...ugh literally feel like I'm falling apart.

On the plus side my antibiotics taste like white chocolate either that or I've gone delusional from being cooped up in bed so long...

Tis a sad day :'( 

Anyways that's my sop story over with, hope you like the chapter! 

See you pretty soon for my next installment.


Els x

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