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It felt as if every bone had broke in my body and continued breaking. It felt like the splinters of bone  stuck in every inch of my skin and more was forci g their way through, I didn't know what had happened until I heard my scream echo off the walls of the cave. I tried to crawl into a ball when David grabbed my arm and dragged me up. He held my chin between his two fingers and looked deep into my eyes.
"She's gone!"
He threw me across the floor close to one of the vast openings and it took all my strength to pull myself away from it, the floor was covered in dust and ash possibly from all the fires David could have set in here and now the dust and ash was all over my face, arms and clothes but I was still alive. After all the pain I had just experienced that seemed to be slowly fading away I was alive. She's gone. Mother! For the first time in a long time I heard my mother's voice. Elizabeth had gone completely I couldn't feel her anywhere. There was no tug at my soul or my mind anymore that there had been, i felt strangly empty as if Elizabeth made most of my insides. Is this why she apologised? Or did she apologise for the pain she knew it would cause? I crawled on the floor trying to drag myself up towards the mouth of the cave but David grabbed my foot causing me to scream and try to kick him away. I was still feeling like aftershocks of the separation, it sent massive waves of horrid pain throughout my body leaving me a mess who couldn't protect herself. David pulled me closer to the fire and pulled me by my shoulders. He kept screaming in my face, he kept screaming;
"You bring her back! You fucking bring her back!"
I tried to pull his hands off but his grip was too strong and the pain was almost paralysing me.
"I can't you bastard! She is gone!"
He slapped me hard across the cheek. I screamed out as each time he touched me the pain flared back angrily reminding me that I wasn't safe, I wasn't fine, it reminded me that I was in trouble. His grip got tighter and I felt my shirt rip causing him to drop me slightly moving me closer to the fire which frightened me, with all I could I kicked him in the knee, he swung me and threw me just short of the fire and he dropped to the ground holding his knee and glaring at me. I barely had enough effort left to try and crawl away but once again I tried to get out, to get to my family.
"Get back here you bitch!"
David pulled me back by my hair causing my head to jolt back into the cave wall. Blood gently slipped down my face I knew I shouldn't but my first and impulsive response was to call out to Morgan, a call he responded to. I felt the pressure go all at once, the pain was still inside me but David wasn't pulling my hair anymore. I pushed myself so I was sitting up looking at my Morgan punch his brother twice before he was punched back. Every punch sounded like thunder. Mother can you help me? Please just help me! Every time Morgan came to close to the fire or to close to a hole my heart leapt into my mouth. Baby, wait. I tried to stand but I couldn't I didn't have the strength to do it until I heard something I've not heard in a while and hearing it frightened me and made me very aware of his presence,
My boy was coming back into the danger, he was coming back for me. It was then I realised Harry, my Wolf, was my power everything I am is because of him. I am who he needs me to be and right now he needs his Mama. I pushed myself harder to stand and with nearly all my effort I managed to stand.
"Harry you need to get out of here, baby."
I remained calm so I didn't scare him more than the fighting behind he was, I saw him jump as the thunder claps of the punches fell which were followed by a pained grunt coming from either his father or his kidnapper. I pointed towards the exit he just came down from.
"You go back outside, please."
He didn't go back he slowly kept coming closer to me,
"No Mama I can help you."
He held out his little hand and I held it in mine, I thought he just wanted comfort but no he was right he did help. He gave me an almost overwhelming jolt of his power he gained from his father and I was able to stand without feeling like I was falling apart. He didn't let go for a while as he stared at the cut on my head but I gently shook him,
"Thank you Wolf, now go outside Mama will be there soon."
I held him close finally feeling he was safe and I kissed the top of his head before letting him leave.
"I don't want to leave you mama. Not again."
He whispered into my shoulder, it broke my heart but I knew I had to be strong.
"Listen to me Wolf, you need to leave. Trust me."
I held him closer and felt him slightly tug at my hair. I know I should have let him go sooner but I loved him so much and I had missed him I just needed to hold him for a small amount of time. I heard a really loud growl, I didn't know if it came from Morgan or David but it made me force Harry towards the exit. He left every so often looking back at me as if he needed my encouragement to continue. He was almost out when I heard my mother say go with him. Hide him. I ran towards him noticing the growls from both men were increasing in volume, I picked him up and carried him out of the cave.
"See that rock over there? Go wait for us there and stay safe."
He nodded and ran towards the rock, I wanted to go with him but I ran back to Morgan. I took one last look at Harry and sent my heart and love with him. When I got back to the fight both men were bleeding but didn't look like they would end any time soon. They weren't even panting.
"David leave him alone!"
David half turned to me but still kept Morgan in his line of sight he didn't say anything but his eyes grew sad and he stood a little straighter.
"Elizabeth I love you."
"David, I am not Elizabeth but she did love you. So this has to end now! She wouldn't want this! You know that!"
David was in front of me quicker than my reflexes could respond to and he punched me in the face,
"I'll say when this ends and this doesn't end till she is back with me!"
Morgan pulled him back by his black hair whilst I cupped my cheek,
"Emily get out of here now!"
David pulled his hair free and pushed me towards the hole in the floor, Morgan went to pull me back from the edge when I slipped holding onto the lip of the hole I found that there was something to put my foot on which helped me pull myself up and when I got my footing back I threw a punch at David. It just about caught his lip sending him backwards towards the fire, I was so shocked not only that my punch had hit its mark but that it had actually hurt him.  Morgan ran and pushed him almost onto the fire but David caught Morgan with a punch to the ribs sending Morgan a few steps back. David came towards me again but I didn't back down I stood my ground. He pulled my hair and tried to punch me in the ribs but I moved out of the way causing his grip on my hair to pull at my scalp even worse. I wanted to scream out but I wouldn't give him that satisfaction, he shoved me into the wall causing the cut on my head to get worse and my lip to feel like it had been torn open. He went to shove me again but I dropped to the floor and kicked him in his knee again. He yelled and slapped me, hard. I felt like my eye was going to pop but it didn't and I could still see so I kicked him a little higher up and he himself dropped to the floor. It was then I got up and backed away from him but walked towards Morgan, when I got to him he gently placed his hands on my face but because of all the punishment that had happened to it he may as well have slapped me himself.
"Are you okay Emily?"
I nodded and looked at David who was still on the floor,
"Are you okay?"
"I will be fine when you get out of here!"
"I'm not leaving you!"
I clung to his shirt I didn't even notice David stand up but Morgan did,
"How fucking sweet."
David spat on the floor towards us and then started slowly walked towards me and Morgan.
"I'm tired of this."
He went to grab me but Morgan pushed me to the ground and David switched from trying to grab me to punching Morgan. Morgan moved so well but he was still getting caught in David's blows. I crawled up behind them and grabbed David's leg clamping my teeth deep into him causing him to try and bat me away but the harder I clamped down the less he could manage to try and remove me. Whilst he was distracted Morgan threw a punch that caught him so hard I heard his teeth clash together and I had just let go of his leg when he fell to the floor looking completely out for the count.
"That's almost cheating I think."
Morgan said with a small smile as he helped me off the floor. When I had stood up I kicked David's leg to make sure he was out.
"He doesn't play by the rules why should I."
I stood there just staring at David holding my head while blood came through my fingers while Morgan paced with some pent up rage towards his brother.
"What are you going to do with him?"
Morgan looked at me then stood next to me staring at his brother,
"I don't know...I could take him back to hell and make sure he stays there."
"Does that mean you'll stay there?"
"No I have some things, it is meant for the fallen if they get to rowdy."
I nodded and sighed.
"Well I'd hurry up I don't think he will stay out for long."
As if on demand David grabbed Morgan's leg and pushed him towards a gap in the floor I thought he would recover but Morgan lost his footing and held on to the lip of the hole just I like I had but he couldn't pull himself up. I ran towards him and got onto my stomach trying to help pull him out,
"Come on Morgan!"
His face looked pained and I knew I was crying. I was pulling and Morgan was trying to pull himself out but with nothing to put his feet on it was harder to get him out than it was to get myself out. David stayed quiet just watching the scene play out before him.
"Come on Morgan!"
I pulled and pulled but every time I grabbed at his shirt or arms I couldn't hold them and they would slip from my fingers leaving me frustrated and scared that I couldn't help him. He kept trying to pull himself up too but I could see in his face he didn't have enough strength to do it.
"Morgan please!"
It came from me like both a whimper and a plea I needed him to be alright.
"Emily, Emily stop, look at me."
I kept pulling on his arms, the tears were mixing with the blood and ash on my face and could feel it dropping on my arms and on Morgan's.
"Emily look at me."
"Morgan please come on try! Please don't give up!"
"I'm sorry Emily."
His voice was low and broken, he had given up he knew there was nothing he had left to try and save himself.
"Morgan don't leave me! You promised! You said you'd stay with me!"
"I'm sorry Emily."
He pulled his arms away from me and dropped from my grip. Even as he was falling I leaned further into the hole trying to grab him again. His eyes on mine until darkness removed him from my view.
I rolled over and lay on my back. He left me he had promised he wouldn't, He promised he would never leave me. He lied.

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