Chapter Sixteen

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OK, just so you know, this chapter is VERY short.  Sorry :P

Chapter Sixteen

I felt sick.  Really sick.  Yes, we achieved our mission.  Yes, we saved the children.  But at what cost?  Zayne’s death...what made me feel even worse was the fact that I didn’t know whether I had killed him, or the other men had.  I started shooting them first, but one of my bullets could have gone astray and landed in Zayne.  Or, he was shot in the returning fire from the men who were surrounding him.  There was no way to know for sure.  Either way, I was to blame – if one of my bullets hadn’t killed him, then their bullets had, but they only started firing because of me.  It was my fault. 

As we walked, Aaron tried to slide his hand into mind, but every time I let it slide.  I knew he was angry with me, but he was trying not to show it.  After a while, he exhaled loudly and walked ahead to talk to James, leaving me behind with the children.  I walked in-between Marnie and Louisa and placed a hand on each of their shoulders.  They both glanced up at me, but their expressions remained empty.  I was a stranger to them.  The Military had done something to them, but I had no idea what it was.  A tear slipped from my eye and landed on the dry soil, but I blinked back the rest.  Even if my sisters had no idea who I was, I would still be strong, for them. 

We eventually made it back to the base, and it seemed that the other teams had returned before us.  A bunch of the adults who had been taken, including Joel, were standing around looking quite dazed.  However, none of them looked as blank as the children.  As we entered, Joel jogged over to me and Aaron, patting us both on the backs.

“Well done guys!   You got everyone back.” He grinned. Not everyone.  He looked around behind us, but his smile soon dropped.  It was replaced by a frown etched onto his face. “W...where’s Zayne?” He asked quietly, making my stomach knot.  I looked up at Aaron, who refused to meet my eye.  Instead, he gently placed his hand on Joel’s shoulder and walked with him.  They’d made it not 5 metres before Joel fell to his knees in a fit of sobs.  I grabbed each of my sisters’ hands and ran back to my room.  I fell onto my bed with tears falling down my face.  I buried my head in my pillow, forgetting that my sisters were right behind me, watching me break down.  Not even half a minute later, I felt my bed dip, and the smell of Aaron’s aftershave filled my nose.  I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pull me towards him, turning me so my head was in his chest.  He held me protectively, and I never wanted to leave this embrace.  But I knew it couldn’t last.  Everything had changed.  I couldn’t go back to the way I was.  Never. 

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing  I remembered was waking up with Aaron’s arms wrapped around me.  Across the room, Marnie and Louisa were sleeping next to each-other on Devon’s bed.  I felt Aaron stir from behind me, so I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep.  I couldn’t face talking to him, not yet anyway.  He moved from behind me, and gently stroked a strand of hair away from my eyes.  I felt my body tense up, but then he climbed off the bed.  I saw him pull a blanket over my sisters, before walking out of the room – probably to find Belle or his mum.  When he’d left, I slipped out of bed and grabbed some paper and a pen that was under my bed.  I rested it on a book as I began to write. 


I’m sorry but after what we have just been through, I cannot stay.  Seeing what this place has turned me into, a killer ...I have to leave.  You have done nothing wrong, and I hate the fact that we’ve grown so close, it only makes it harder for me to leave.  Every day, I panic that on the growing list of deceased, your name will appear, for I fear it will if I stay.  I’ve already got Zayne killed, I cannot bear to lose you too.  My parents are still out there, and I need to find them.  I am so sorry.  Please don’t come after me.

I know I should have said it before, but I love you. 



A few tear dropped onto the paper, smudging a few words, but I didn’t care.  I stuffed the letter into an envelope and addressed it to Aaron.  I then grabbed my pre-packed backpack, gently roused my sisters and began to walk out.   As I passed Aaron’s room, I left the letter on his bed.  Before fresh tears formed, I quickened my pace and slipped out of the building, pulling my sisters along with me.   As we walked, I noticed their eyes were beginning to clear, so I hoped that over time they’d return to me.  I couldn’t bear to be alone.  Once we made it to the tree-line, I looked back over my shoulder at the base.  There were more soldiers marching around, firing guns.  And so it begins...


Well, that is the end of this book :P  The sequel will pick up from where this has left off, but I've split it because it would be too big otherwise.  Anyhoo, vote and comment please, I need to know if there's any point in me starting the sequel because hardly anyone has read this book.  Thanks :) ~ Crimson

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