Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

 ­­I woke up to the hideous sound of made my heart stop.  I sat up, breathing heavily, my eyes darting around the cold room - only it wasn't a room, it was some sort of tent.  Reality dawned on me when I remembered everything that had happened.  All around me, the people who we were sharing the tent with, got up wearily and began walking outside.  I peered out of the tent and saw that the screeching was in fact a plump woman, shouting for everyone to get up.  I sighed, and crawled back to my bed - well, I say bed, it was really a thing blanket on top of some grass.  Marnie and Louisa were still fast asleep, and I really didn't want to wake them, but I dreaded to think what would happen to them if we didn't do as we were told.  I gently shook them both, and slowly they opened their eyes.

"It's breakfast time, we need to go now or there'll be no food left." I said quietly.  Marnie groaned and sat up, scowling at me for waking her.  I smiled apologetically, and gently pulled Louisa up.  She gave a big yawn and looked up at me through tired eyes. 

"Are theres coco popses for breakfast?" She asked sleepily. 

"I don't know sweetie, maybe.  Let's go and see." I lifted her onto my hip, and took Marnie's hand, before ducking under the tent door and walking towards the large white tent, where people were queuing outside.  We were at the back of the queue, because it took so long for me to get the girls up, and everybody else had darted to the food tent.  After ten minutes, we made it to the front of the queue, and my mouth gaped open.  There was barely any food left.  All that was before me was a tiny bread roll, two crackers and one apple.  I sighed and took the small scraps, understanding why people had rushed to the food - there wasn't enough to go around.  I handed the apple and one cracker to Marnie, and the bread roll and the other cracker to Louisa, before walking to where everyone was sitting, hunched over protectively and eating their food.  I purposely sat on an empty old bench, with Louisa on my lap and Marnie perched beside me.  Louisa looked up at me, and frowned.

"Where's your foods?" She asked, whilst munching on her bread.  I faked a smile.

"I'm not hungry." I lied, but my stomach growled loudly, calling my bluff.  Louisa giggled. 

"Your tummy saids you're hungry." She smiled and broke off some bread, before handing it to me.  I smiled and shook my head gently.

"No, you eat it, I'll have something later." Louisa nodded and shoved the rest of the bread (which wasn't much) into her little mouth.  A few seconds later, a boy, around my age, came and sat down on my bench, holding a plate full of food.  I resisted the urge to scowl at him, if he hadn't taken so much, then maybe I'd actually have something to eat. 

"Hi." He said.    I turned to him, and forced a smile.

"Hello." I replied politely.  He looked at me through deep hazel eyes, which looked at me confused.

"Where's your food?" He asked.  I raised an eyebrow, and he caught on. "Oh, right." He nodded.  He looked down at his plate, and handed the whole thing to me.  I blinked, confused.  Nobody else here looked like they'd be willing to give up food, so why was he? 

"Take it, you need it more than I do - I've already had some." He insisted.  I smiled thankfully, and took the plate, and began eating. 

"Thank you." I said quietly, as I bit into an apple.  The boys smiled, and outstretched his hand.

"I'm Aaron, by the way." He told me, smiling.  I shook his hand.

"I'm Charlotte, and this is Louisa and Marnie." I said, pointing to my two sisters.

"Nice to meet you all." Aaron smiled warmly at them. 

"So how long have you been here, Aaron?" I asked, whilst handing Louisa and Marnie some more food.

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