2: The Process

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 He was standing over me, sharp fangs glistning white poking out just slightly over his bottom lip. A face that showed no flaw, but in depth it was frightening, dark red irises shining in the night under dark lashes. A chiseled jaw and pale skin stretched tightly over a strong bone structure. I was numb, I couldn't feel anything but his breath on my shoulder when he said, " Clean your hair from your neck and tilt your head to the side, I will make all of your pain disappear." I did as he said, afraid of what would happen if i didn't as well as hoping that he really would take the pain away, even if it meant death. Not like that would matter to me anyways, a teenage screw-up who spent every waking hour wishing she was dead and being too afraid to do the deed herself. Now i had my chance, as soon as i tilted my head he bit me, my head swirled as i felt his fangs enter my vein. I yelp with pain but then i was gone. No longer was i in a world of pain but rather in a world of difference, change; it was kind of like being a purgatory state, not bad but not quite good either. I could no longer feel the pain but at the same time there was a different kind of pain, a burning sensation that quickly and violently chanced into a freezing sensation. I saw myself in the same forest only not in the hole I was running, and it wasn't so bad until the grass ended and I was falling, during my fall I experienced both the burning and freezing sensations. Then it was over, gone, done, total darkness crept over me as I twitched on the ground, i could feel my broken ankle healing itself, the cuts sealing themselves shut, then as soon as they were done I fell unconscious again.

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