Chapter 3

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I woke up and saw the sun seeping through the closed blinds in my room. I don't remember falling asleep; all I remember is unpacking and then sitting down on the bed and then nothing. I can't remember anything else that happened. I got up and looked through the closet and drawers to see what I would wear for today. 

I put on my clothes and decided to have loose curls for my hair as fast as possible. I didn't want to look in the mirror for too long. I hated doing it. I put my shoes on and walk around the castle, trying to find my way to the kitchen. And just my luck, I see Kenny walk out of his room. 

"Kenny! Hey...could you take me to the kitchen?" 

He stopped walking and turned around to me, and a giant smile covered his face. 

"Yeah, I was just headed there now." I gave him a small smile and followed him through this maze of a castle. 

"You should be very grateful to the Alpha and Luna. They heard how Tyler mistreated you, but they made sure everyone here treats you with respect. Regardless of how Tyler may feel." 

Truly, that touched my heart. It's nice to know there are still good people in the world. 

"That's very nice of them; I appreciate it," I said softly. 

"I mean, regardless, you are the soon-to-be Luna. Everyone will see that, I promise."

We made it to the kitchen, and as I walked in, I saw the man I had been dreading. There he was with Harley right behind him, her arms wrapped around him. And for a moment...they almost looked happy. But then I thought shouldn't I be more upset? 

This is my mate...with another woman? Why am I not jealous? This doesn't feel right. I just followed Kenny into the kitchen and ignored it, which was easy to do.

"Kenny, who is that?" She was talking like I wasn't even there, but that's fine. It truly didn't bother me. What bothered me was the fact that I didn't even care. 

"Don't worry about her, Harley; she is just an Omega."

I rolled my eyes, Kenny just grabbed my hand and squeezed it, and I gave him a reassuring smile. Harley nodded and turned back to Tyler. It truly seemed like she had no idea what was going on; Tyler didn't tell her. But why would he? 

"How's the pack settling in, Tyler?" Kenny asked, trying to break the awkward silence between everyone. 

"So far, so good. Father is upset at me and said it was reckless, of course. He never agrees with me." He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Well, of course, they are going to be hard on you; you're the only kid they have left." Harley brought up. Tyler looked at her in almost disgust, and she looked confused. 

"Why would you say that?" Tyler asked her. 

"What? What did I say wrong? I'm confused?" I was, too; I never knew Tyler had any siblings. They were never talked about in school or the news; did they die? 

"Well, I'm glad that they are at least assimilating great." Kenny smiled and turned back to me.

"Well then, if you excuse me, I would like to get some cereal." 

With that, Kenny walked over to the cabinets leaving me to stand there awkwardly alone. When he realized that I didn't follow, he turned and pulled me to him. 

"What kind of cereal do you want, Charlotte?" Kenny asked me as he opened the cabinets to reveal the 18 different kinds of cereal lined up. I scanned the choices and decided on Frosted Flakes. 

"Charlotte? I thought your name is Charlie?" Tyler asked. I kept my head forward and watched Kenny make me my cereal. 

"My full name is Charlotte," I said slowly making sure not to say anything extra. 

"Well, I guess that's a little better than Pinocchio." 

That was all he said and turned away towards his girlfriend. Anger bubbled up in me at the name. I hated that name. I walked to the table and sat down, and Kenny joined me a couple of seconds later with our cereal. 

"Thanks, Kenny." 

"Look, I think your nose is perfect. Don't listen to him." 

I smiled at him, and my heart was happy. We started talking about random things, our favorite colors what we do in our free time, I think I may be slowly starting to like Kenny...maybe he is the guy that can make me forget.

During the conversations, Kenny grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers; I didn't mind it, which is why I was confused. How could this be so easy? I'm not used to this type of affection, so I'm going to enjoy it while we can. We both were so engrossed in our conversation that we both forgot Tyler was in there. I thought he would have left already.

I looked up and noticed that he was watching us, more like watching our interlocked hands. He gave off a low growl that shook the whole kitchen; his eyes were flashing from green to black; this wasn't him; this was his wolf. Finally, his eyes settled on his normal green. He ran over to me and yanked me away from Kenny.

 "What the hell is going on here!" He asked, still gripping my arm as I feel those sparks running up and down my arm. Kenny stood up as soon as I was ripped away.

"Nothing, Tyler, calm down," Kenny said in annoyance. 

"Oh, it doesn't look like nothing to me. I forbid you from ever stepping foot near Charlie again, understand?!" He said, yelling even louder. I looked up at Tyler and then Kenny, and I could see the annoyance swirling in Kenny's eyes. He was my only friend, and I liked him.

"Tyler, this isn't you. Why are you acting like this?" Kenny spoke up again, trying to get his wolf to calm down. 

"You can't be with her," Tyler said sternly. His eyes were glaring down at Kenny. Harley walked over from wherever she was, and she looked so sad. She did not know... 

"What's wrong, Ty? Why can't she be with Kenny? I think they look cute together." She grabbed his arm, and he immediately snapped out of his daze. 

"Let's go. I've got things to take care of." He grabbed Harley and pulled her away, then left the kitchen.

"What was that?" I looked up at Kenny, confused as to the switch. Why did he feel so jealous of me, but I felt so happy for him? 

"I don't know. I think his wolf is pushing for him to mate with you since he hasn't officially rejected you."

 Oh yeah...that. 

"Do you think he will?" I asked; it wasn't the fact that I was scared of it; it was the fact that I wanted it.

 "Honestly, I think he wants to, but no way the Alpha and Luna will let that happen."

"I kind of wish they did," I said, and Kenny and I laughed. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the kitchen. 

"What's the plan for the day?" I asked Kenny, and he sighed. "Whatever you want to do."





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