Chapter 1: not a baby anymore.

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Hola guys.
I'm Aparna.
And I present to you.. It's twilight again.
A renesmee and jacob fan fiction. A story of their eternal love.

--- Bella's POV ---

*knock* *knock* *knooooockkkkk*

"Momma, daddy you guys awake?" Asked renesmee.
It was two in the night.
Edward opened the door, "yes honey, what's wrong? Why are you up so late?", he asked.
"I had a nightmare.", replied our terrified daughter.
"Baby, what happened?", I asked her. Taking her in my arms.

It had been a year since our confrontation with the Volturi. And renesmee was 5 years old but she looked like a fourteen year old.

"In the dream I was being chased by some big-bad vampires. But then guess what happened?", asked Nessie. Her face suddenly lit up.
"We don't know, dear", Edward and I said at the same time.
"Jake came. And he saved me. He punched that bad guy in his guts and they ran away like scared deer seeing the king of the jungle". Renesmee had a weird sense of humor kinda like me, I thought.

Edward and I looked at each other. Kinda worried. Why would renesmee be having dreams of jacob. Well she was obviously unaware of the fact that jacob imprinted on her. Renesmee started pouting a bit after she saw us not paying attention to her story about her dream.

"And then". She raised her voice a little bit so that we pay attention to her. "My Jacob saved me", said a half yawning renesmee.
Me and Edward froze a little at the word "MY".

But then my brain kicked back and I said, " sweetheart it's late. Why don't you sleep now? We will talk about this tomorrow.

Renesmee agreed and kissed us good night and I tucked her into her bed.
I sat down beside her and thought.
"What if renesmee has feelings for jacob? Feelings about which, she, herself is not aware."
Edward touched my shoulder lightly.
"Penny for your thoughts", he said.
I smiled a little and said, "I think our baby, is not a baby anymore.

It's twilight again. *jacob and renesmee fan-fiction* ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now