Chapter 8: Where is she?!?

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Hey guys. Just wrote another chapter for you, hope you like it. Xoxoxoxoxooooo ! :8

Renesmee's POV--

Jacob. I'm coming for you.I thought. I swam deeper and deeper. I was just understanding the built of my body, how streamlined it became so that I could hunt underwater, how with just a little effort I could swim as fast as a. great white. I didn't know much about lagoons but I did know that this one opens up to the la push beach. I knew what I had to do.

--Jacob pov.----

Where the f*** is she?

"Nessie", I shouted with all my power.

No answer.

Another shout out. And another one.

No answer again.

Oh god. Bella and Edward would kill me. Oh god why did I drop her. It was just as a joke. Oh god. I'm a terrible person. No person would do this to his imprintee.

All the thoughts were driving me crazy. I decided to shut myself and after thinking for a spilt second jumped into the lagoon.

The water was crystal clear. Sparkling blue. So beautiful. Just like her. What if I'm never able to tell her about how I feel about her.. I swam deeper. I shrugged myself to get these thoughts out of me.

Nothing. No sign of her.

Hmm.. I came up. Took a deep breath. Then just sunk to the bottom of the lagoon.. Broken.. What if the current took her body to the beach? In the sea? How will I ever find her? Then an idea ran to my brain.

I swam, reached the lagoon's shore. Sprinted to the where the pack was. Every one was eating. Emily had made tuna and lettuce sandwiches. There was chattering. Suddenly everyone looked at me and they went silent. They saw me. Wet, panting, ready to break down any minute. No Nessie around me. The pack rushed to me. The imprintees were sitting, devastated. Everyone knew something had happened. Where was she?

What's wrong,Jake? , quill asked.

Jacob, where is renesmee?! Sam spoke up.

Nessie.. She. I broke down.

Nessie... She.. I couldn't.. I dropped her... Oh I'm so sorry Nessie..", I cried on my knees... "forgive me.. Please.. Oh god. No.. No.. I couldn't.."

Everyone just looked. Just silence all around me. I wanted to ask the pack to help me look for her. I wanted to tell them about the lagoon. How I let her drop, just for fun.. Images for her body floating on the sea kept coming back to me. I couldn't. I just couldn't bring up the strength to utter even a syllable. Everything was dead around me. I was dead.

And then a monotonous Ahh..

I could hear those light footsteps coming from behind me... Light hushed voice in my left ear spoke..,"its fine Jake. I forgive you this time". Her giggle. Her curls dangled on my shoulders, touched my ear. I felt serenity.

It was her. I couldn't believe my brain, my ears, my senses. I looked back. I just had to. I couldn't stop it. There was just anger in my body. My heart was elated to see her. But my brain couldn't believe she would in this kind of pain. This unexplainable guilt and pain of losing her. My body brewed with anger... I ran towards the jungle and just after being away from their line of sight changed into what I really was.

It's twilight again. *jacob and renesmee fan-fiction* ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now