This week

28 4 7

Alright so

This week has been absolutely the worst, most frustrating week I've ever had.

Long story short-
● panic attacks
● anxiety attacks
● even more anxiety attacks
● frustration
● crying
● crying
● more crying
● a hell of a lot more crying
● did I mention crying?
● outside: "I'm fine." Inside: "No I'm actually not fine, but I highly doubt that I'd get a response other than 'same' or 'I'm sorry' so I pretend to be okay so I can be alone and not have to actually admit all my inner frustrations that could compile a list longer than my own hair"
● oh yeah crying

I honestly don't expect the next week to get any better, but all I can say is updates might be delayed for maybe a few weeks
Or months

This is probably just gonna end up as another chapter everyone votes on but no one really cares about

~ K 🌌

mostly just rants and random yellingWhere stories live. Discover now