April, Brian, and June

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Well it's been a little while, so I felt I should do a thing. I'm currently on the bus in a very uncomfortable position, but I'll try and type what I can.

May is Brimi's month, as well as mental health month.

Okay I honestly hate this bus this is like the 8th time I've tried to write this sentence

Anyways, my mental health is currently fluctuating, so I'll just avoid talking about that.

But it's the month of Brian!!

But another thing is that multiple times I've looked up when Synesthesia Day is.

I've mentioned I have it a few times, and I actually have 3 forms. I've told people different things over time, but I've usually mentioned music-location.

ut I've checked and different sites say different things about when it is. Some say there isn't one. They've been around the mid-May area, so I'll write a bit around then I suppose.

Okay that awkward moment when you're listening to Past Masters (bought it on sunday!!) on shuffle and I Wanna Hold Your Hand comes on but then Komm, Gib Mir Dein Hand comes on

Yikes I wrote that much 24 hours ago

Anyhow, I'm planning to update classic rock courthouse soon, possibly release another joke-ish fanfiction, like rocky horror queen show, which I plan to update soon as well.

As it began is currently getting some stuff worked out on it and for some reason, Words occasionally disappears on my tablet, and so Lord knows when I'll have enough in the next chapter to update.

But, that's basically what's been going on, I'm currently going through some more mass organization (I'm always organizing little things like my vinyls or my craft table rather than large scale things like my bookshelf or my dresser. I think I might have OCPD.) and so I've been making lists and schedules and organizing everything everywhere, so the same most likely will happen with some of my stories. Stories that I'm probably discontinuing (i.e. some of the Beatle fanfics I never finished from like a year ago) may get put back in my library (not deleted because I'm too sentimental)

I might give some heads up about what's coming next on stories
I'll be leaving notices about what I am and am not planning on working on.

My update priorities go as follows:

● As It Began
● Words
● How to Be a Heartbreaker
● Rocky Horror Queen Show
● Classic Rock Courthouse
● I forget off the top of my head if there's anything else I'm concerned about

I think 5 is a good number for me to keep up with, especially when 2 of them are more so just for some laughs. Once I finish RHQS, I plan to publish my next joke-ish fic, and it's a doozie. Some of you may already know what I'm talking about 😄

Anyways, this was long and kind of involved, I've got like 4 more bus stops to go before we get to mine, so bye all!!

~ K 🌌

mostly just rants and random yellingWhere stories live. Discover now