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(n.) an unrealistic dream.


"MAMA? WHAT'S going on? "

"Please, ma cheriè, go ahead down there. Your father and I will follow shortly." Her mother forced a smile, her electric blue eyes held a hint of apprehension.

The young girl grabbed her hand, "Promise?"

A second of silence ensued. A moment of hesitation. A lifetime of regret.

"I will be back," the older woman assured, her voice shaking. She hesitated before closing the trap door, her hand reaching out to hold her daughter's cheek. "Be brave. Always." Tears filled her eyes then and the girl understood, dread filling her stomach.

"Mama, no, please don't do this," she scrambled to crawl out, her nails clutching her mother's arm. "Please, I'm begging you." She was panicking.

Her mother wrenched her hand away from her arm, drawing blood. The pain did nothing to numb the guilt she felt in what she was about to do. She shoved her daughter back and the girl hissed in pain at the impact of the cold, hard cement. Before the little girl could recover and try to climb back up, the older woman shut the trap door and hurriedly locked it.

"Mama!" The scream tore at her heart and she covered her mouth to keep from making a noise.

"Be quiet, my love," the mother whispered shakily. "They must not find you. I love you, ma trésor. We love you so much." Her mother sobbed and she bit her palm to stop the sound. "Promise me you won't make a sound. They'll find you. Stay with your grandfather. Trust nobody."

A bang sounded then, and they both knew: the devil had gotten past their front door.

The mother hurriedly covered the trapdoor with a persian rug and with one last longing look, she ran; leaving behind her greatest treasure, and three drops of her tears.

She never came back.

So the girl did the one thing her mother told her not to do. Her last words to her fell on deaf ears.

She screamed.

· · ·

| 10 years later |

"We've arrived, mademoiselle," the driver of the matte black Range Rover announced as the car came to a stop. The door on the side opened and a long, toned, leg emerged. A perfect torso soon followed and delicate hands reached up to place designer sunglasses atop the bridge of a regal nose. Soft, luscious lips parted as the tall beauty sighed. She reached down to adjust her outfit; a simple floral skirt with a plain white top. The gold necklace her mother gave her for her 16th birthday clung from her immaculate neck and nestled itself on a high-necked top. She wore simple flats, since she was naturally tall and wearing heels might intimidate her new environment.

"Thank you, Ronaldo," she gave him a soft smile. He returned it, tipping his black hat. Her bags and suitcases he would deliver to her quarters from around back. All she had to do was to meet with the President of this organization for a brief orientation. She was two months late.

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