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(v.) Process of eating. Or desiring someone so much you almost want to eat them. 

THE CABIN stood in the middle of a Canadian forest. Kael and Natasja took a helicopter to get to their destination, and when the tall German woman first walked in Natasja's "cabin", she couldn't help her jaw from falling open.

"You call this a cabin?"

"It's the Armand Cabin. So I guess it's not your normal cabin...?" Natasja dropped her duffel bag on the stone floor. "Make yourself at home."

The cabin was incorporated into the rocky mountain, and the walls were polished hard stone from the mountain itself. It spanned about the length of half a football field, and Kael was amazed the whole cliff hadn't crashed down on a house that took up almost half of its core. The only wood in the cabin were the beams that supported the glass and faced the forest. The polished stone floor was a matte grey that felt cool to Kael's bare feet. It was furnished with modern appliances, from the touch screen refrigerator in the pristine kitchen to the tiny sweeping robot Natasja had turned on. The color mood was grey, black, dark wood, and marble white: it complimented with the dark green of the forest outside perfectly.

"It's beautiful," Kael was still getting used to her newfound sight. She hadn't been able to see for years, and she was trying to see if she can remember what some things looked like.

As Natasja walked around the kitchen putting their groceries and supplies away, Kael sat on a grey, plush couch in the living room that faced the forest. For the next twenty minutes, the only sound that could be heard was Natasja moving around in the kitchen. Kael was thankful she didn't try doing small talk, because nothing contented her more than to sit down and stare at what she had been missing for most of her life. The simple gift of sight.

When the sounds stopped, Natasja still didn't speak. Instead, Kael could hear her make her way to a nearby couch and sit down in silence, watching her.

"I've forgotten what green looks like."

"What colors do you remember?"

"Black. Is that a color? And purple."

"What else?"

"Red." Kael looked back at Natasja, once again awestruck by the immense beauty she found. She could still remember what she found physically attractive, and Natasja certainly didn't disappoint.

She wore a simple white shirt and dark blue jeans, her feet bare and her red hair tied back in a simple ponytail. Her face was bare of makeup, and the freckles on the bridge of her regal nose stood out starkly from her pale skin. Her long lashes framed her green eyes in natural wings of cat-eye.

"What kind of red?" She had leaned forward now, resting her elbows on her knees as she listened to Kael.

Pretty. Like your hair.

"Dark. Like blood."

Natasja looked like she remembered something she didn't want to. A moment of silence passed by, and Kael could almost hear the blood roaring in Natasja's ears.

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