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(n.) a feeling of closeness between two people.

"TASJA, my love," her mother's unique accent played with her ears. "Come here. I want to show you something." That familiar figure stood just inside their humble home.
"Mama?" Natasja couldn't believe her eyes. Her trembling hand reached out for her mother's beautifully gentle face. Her chest filled with that familiar warmth long gone but never forgotten as strong arms enveloped around her.
"Do you want to see?" Her mother chuckled. "I made something just for you."
Natasja shook head, panic forming at her throat at a sudden memory.
"No, mama we have to leave now. Something bad is going to happen," she pulled at her arm. "Please mama!"
As she tried to get her out the door, her mother's face starting to morph into something else. Something sinister.
"Ah, my love," her voice began to sound gurgled. "I never left this house, remember?"

Natasja screamed, clutching her chest at the sudden pain etched within. She was sweating and panting hard, the vividness of the dream still so fresh on her mind. She combed sweaty red hair away from her face, her trembling fingers momentarily getting tangled in them. She drew in a shaky breath, and exhaled a sob. As image after image of the dream flipped through her mind, her sobs got harder to control, tears more heavy than before. She suddenly remembered her roommate and clasped a hand over mouth to look across the room. She breathed out a sigh of relief at the sight of the neatly-made empty bed, remembering that Kael was out of town for tonight on a mission. This was the requirement for Sabraels every month. They were sent to assasinate any chosen individual the court or law would have executed, and they did it perfectly. On good days, their missions consisted of escorting a royalty or important person somewhere. Natasja always wished she was chosen for the latter. She couldn't quite stomach the thought of intentionally taking another person's life yet.

A knock sounded on the door. "Who is it?" Natasja's voice was scratchy. Hearing only another series of soft knocks, she walked over and swiped her wrist across the panel on the door and it slowly swung open.

"I heard screaming," It was Aspen, her face a mask of concern Natasja hadn't seen before. She wore a black tank top and sweat pants, her feet bare.

Natasja stuttered, trying to cover it up and deny her outburst. "U-um no actually I-"

"Come with me," Aspen sighed and jerked her head. "I wanna show you something."

Those words echoed with her mother's words in her dream and she drew in a shaky breath to stop the flashbacks.

"Ok." She whispered and followed the green-haired girl out. She craved any distraction right now. The dreams and flashbacks seemed to be getting stronger and more vivid with each passing night, seemingly going opposite what it's supposed to do over time: to be forgotten.

The night air was cool and quiet when they stepped out, the full moon in its brightest glory. It was about 2:30 am in the morning, and not a soul was stirring. It's also a perfect murder setting, Natasja's paranoid mind couldn't help but think.

Aspen led her towards the arena, and Natasja was hit with the sudden de ja vu of when Kael had confronted her just recently. She knew her training under the tall german woman would begin once she came back, and she was both apprehensive and excited about it all.

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