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(n.) a feeling of excitement for nice weather during the spring, just as the sun is coming out, the trees are green and the flowers blossom.

IT WAS raining the night Natasja's parents died. The screams and the sobbing easily overpowered the sound of rain outside, and Natasja hadn't noticed it until she had been lying outside, the raindrops hitting her face as she closed her eyes. As the rain washed away the warm blood that clung to her skin like sweat, she felt peaceful. It was as if the heavens opened to wash her from her sins; the very ones she committed in her own home.

It was also raining today. As the pitter-patter of the droplets sounded outside their car, Natasja closed her eyes to listen as she fidgeted with her jacket.

"Pay attention, Natasja," Kael's jaw clenched after she said those words. "You are my eyes. Always be on alert."

Natasja opened her eyes to roll them. It's been two hours since they arrived in LA and Kael was already bossy.

"I am not your anything." Natasja muttered as she refocused her attention on the school they were parked across. Today was their first contact with Paris, the princess of Monaco everyone believed to be dead. She was in hiding without knowing it, but sometimes it was better to play dead than to live a haunted life.

"There she is." Natasja said, sitting up in her seat, her hand closing around the steering wheel as she craned her neck to get a better look.

"What is she doing?"

"Talking to a blonde," Natasja noticed the pretty girl laugh at something the other said. "She's tall and quite skinny. She seems to be close to her."

"Her best friend, Bleu Ivy." Kael confirmed. "Anything else?"

"They are walking," Natasja watched as the blonde girl grabbed the princess' hand and pulled her along with her as she almost skipped on the sidewalk, holding the umbrella for her.

"Follow them."

Natasja let them walk ahead of them before slowly driving forward, stopping at a certain distance so as not to cause suspicion before driving again when they had reached beyond her vision. On the other side of the block, Aspen and John were parked in case of emergencies.

The two young girls held hands as they walked, happily chatting. When they neared the rather ordinary-looking house, the blonde kissed her best friend's cheek and bid her goodbye.

"She's saying goodbye to her," Natasja reported. "And Paris is walking inside the house."

"Make sure she gets in safely."


Natasja froze. There was a man. He stood just a few feet off, and he would have looked like a normal citizen had he not stopped and stared at the princess for two seconds too long before proceeding to walk down the sidewalk. The look of recognition on his face in that bare one second was enough for Natasja to be immediately suspicious of him.

She remembered what Kael had told her before coming here.

"If you see imminent danger, kill. If there is even the slightest suspicion of threat to the princess, report to me and we will handle it. My way."

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