Part 1 - leaving

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"You can't stop me, Gobber. I don't care what you or Zunar says, I'm going. And I'm going without the two of you, because I can and I will!" A 12 year old boy with auburn reddish hair( which was just starting to grow out again after it was shaved off ) and striking green eyes( normally unnatural for his people ), said while packing his bags. "I'm old enough."
Another man, this one much bigger with a long braided beard and two missing limbs, scowled at the boy. Gobber wasn't gonna let the boy go without a fight, that much was clear. "No, you are not!" He answered sternly.
The boy stopped packing only for a moment to look at Gobber. "And yet I have my Airbending tattoos already." He shot back sarcastically, a mechanism he'd developed for when he was in tight situations or when he didn't know how to handle things. "Does that mean nothing? I was soooo sure getting my tattoos meant mastering the element. I also thought mastering an element meant going into adulthood or something. Wasn't that what you and the other monks taught me?" He finished and closed his bags, ready to go.
"You are only twelve, Hiccup! What are you gonna do, just take a Bison and leave?" Gobber asked angrily. This was ridiculous, and totally unlike the boy who had quickly become like a son to Gobber, who couldn't have kids himself.
Hiccup didn't turn around before answering this time, afraid of what he would see. He loved Gobber, he really did... But in the mess that was his life, Gobber just didn't fit in. And he didn't have the heart to see Gobber disappointed—especially if it was because of him. "... yes." He told the older man quietly.
Gobber said nothing for a while, unsure of how to answer. "Hiccup-" The man tried but was interrupted before he could finish.
"No!" Hiccup shouted. It was a wonder no one came running into Hiccup's room with all the noise he was making. The other students, his friends, or the monks must've heard them. Why wasn't they trying to stop the fight? "I didn't want this, Gobber! I never asked for this!" He yelled with closed eyes.
Gobber gave Hiccup a soft, knowing look. "So that is what this is about."
"No! Maybe... yeah... I-I just... I just want to be normal..."
Gobber just stood there, not knowing what to say. Hiccup was actually going to leave the Air temple... He was serious. And Gobber could do nothing to stop him.
Hiccup was walking towards the door, Sharpshot following him around like the Lemur always did. The small loyal friend landed on Hiccup shoulder and he scratched the lemurs big ears with a sigh.
Gobber could but watch him walk to the stables, watch him leave. And while watching, he couldn't help but think that the boy might never come back.
Astrid always knew who she was. Being born in a tribe that just recently allowed women and girls alike to fight with her element, she had to work extra hard to get what she wanted and be recognized as the warrior she was. Being only 12 meant she had to work even harder.
But if she was honest, she didn't care. She liked working, and her master was a great teacher. It didn't matter if she had to use an hour or so more than planned, because she enjoyed it.
Her friends thought she was weird. And being honest once again, Astrid understood why. She had a... Scary aura about her. Maybe. Probably. Most likely. Or at least that's what she was told when she was younger. This did not bother her either. She couldn't care less if they liked her, or thought she should wear a dress. She was not the feminine type, and that's just how it was.
She lived alone withe her uncle, Finn, and only had just about enough money to keep warm and not hungry. Her parents died when she was very young, so she could not remember them, only some of the things they left behind with their death. But she didn't complain. Even though she didn't live like the rich, she knew her uncle was really trying.
She was happy with her life.
Ruffnut and Tuffnut had the wrong elements. Or that's what most people though.
Living in the great Earth kingdom with Earthbender parents, them being another kind of bender were unusual. When their parents had asked a shaman close to the family, they got no further answers. It was strange, and the two of them had no one to really teach them.
The twins loved everything that had a close relationship with danger. A hole in the ground with no visible end? Let's jump down there! A guard controlling their area because of disturbance? Let's steal his helmet( while he's wearing it, of course. Otherwise it would be no fun ).
And the best one yet, 'let's knock out two of the small guards and steal their clothes'.
That was not the end of it, however, and the two of them ended up walking around with the uniforms on, telling people they were going to jail if they didn't give them their money. The disaster stopped when the guards found them and almost got Ruff and Tuff arrested. The only reason they were not in jail now was probably the fact that they knew their way around town. And they got away. Without the money though.
But most of all, the two did everything together.
Snotlout hated his life sometimes. His dad was being stupid and his mother definitely wasn't helping the case. Snotlout was being stubborn. And apparently also an idiot, because nothing good every came with arguing with his father.
He had to do everything perfect, act like he loved politics and all that stuff nobody needs or cares about. Why? Because his cousin, price Dagur of the Fire nation, was all these things and more. As both his mother and father said, 'Dagur is a good kid, a very suitable prince. His parents must be proud'. Compliments like these would often come with a scowl his way and a 'why can't you be more like him?' look.
Snotlout wasn't perfect. He knew he should be, and he really tried, but he wasn't. He wanted to to make his parents proud, but it was not easy for him. He was behind his studies, he wasn't extremely intelligent and hated reading the boring scrolls his mother would give him. 'Homework' she said. And even worse, he had no Bending. It was awful. It was the reason his father scowled at him when they ate dinner together as a family. He was good with almost all weapons, but this was not enough. Not for his father.
His parents wanted him to be something he was not. Something that even if he did want to, he could never be.
They just couldn't understand.
Fishlegs was never a fighter. Being an earthbender he was, he was expected to love at least seeing people get their asses kicked. He was expected to want every single person he saw kiss his butt because of his origin. Or that's what he felt like when he was looked down upon.
But that was not who he was. Not at all.
He liked reading scrolls, especially ones with legends. The dragon ones were awesome and he always dreamt about seeing one. Sadly, none had been seen in about 100 years. He liked gardening and meditation. He was what most people in the Earth Kingdom would call soft, and got bullied by some of the more powerful bender-kids from where he lived.
And of course he got called names for not being a fighter.
First off, both his parents were benders, same element even. They were both big but loving people, yet they didn't understand his nonviolent nature. No one did.
A lot of the time, Fishlegs simply felt like the world was against him, or had some kind of grudge on him. But Fishlegs took it all in and tried not to let it get to his heart. In his brain he knew it were only stupid people who had nothing else to do.
But it still kinda hurt.
Hiccup had a great life. He had a lot of good friends and was the perfect example of a successful bender. He mastered his element at the age of 12, which is possibly the youngest anyone has mastered his specific element, making him top of his class.
But great wasn't all good. For one he never knew his parents, didn't even know if they were still alive. He probably wouldn't meet them either, because that's just how it was.
Hiccup's life was just... complicated in general. Not always necessarily in a bad way. At least if you're a glass-half-full person.
He just had the feeling he got a lot of things he didn't ask for. And he did NOT like that. It was confusing, especially when he got things he didn't want to have. Or be.
He was told how lucky he was all the time. But he never felt lucky, or cared for.
Instead he felt controlled.
Hiccup sighed before jumping onto the Bison's back, saddle and bags already secured. Why? He didn't want this! There were plenty of other Airbenders to chose from. Plenty of them would want 'the honor'. Ha, yeah right.
Hiccup sighed again. What was he supposed to do now? "Well, girl, time to go. Yip, yip." He said and sat back in the saddle, trying to make himself more comfortable. He was tired, but could not allowed himself to sleep.
Of course this wasn't his first time traveling away from his home, not at all. He was adventurous and loved seeing knew places. He liked discovering new things. But most of all, he loved flying. It could lift his spirits even on the worst of days.
Therefore, he knew a lot of people, both non-benders and all the different kinds of benders. He could go anywhere he wanted and probably still find a place to sleep, which maybe sounded a bit weird, but it was true. He knew people, people knew him. However, this didn't necessarily solve his problem. Where should he go? He didn't want anyone to knew where he went. He wanted to be left alone and not have people come after him.
The world was a big place, and even though he started traveling around when he was eight, he hadn't seen everything. He wanted to explore!
Yes, that's what he was going to do. Explore the world, find all the secrets...
... After he found some place to stay and get away from the upcoming storm. Yeah, that was probably the best.
"Master, the ships are ready. What do you want to do?" A short man in red clothes said. He was bowing in front of a throne in respect, but another emotion was clear on his face. Fear.
Another person, this one sitting on the throne, grinned. Everything was going after plan. "What do I want?" She asked rhetorically.
The servant looked at the bigger woman on the throne, silent. This was it.
"I want the Air Nation gone."
"Yes, my Queen, I will tell the men to get ready."
Just a... well, A/N, Hiccup won't be frozen in ice for 100 years.
The role of Sokka will be split between Fishlegs and Snotlout. Guess who is which part xD
I actually wasn't supposed to post this yet, but I have another chapter ready too, so...
And now to the spoilers! Move away if don't you want to know the gangs elements already.( you could've just guessed tho )
Hiccup - Airbender( duh xD )
Snotlout - nonbender
Astrid - Waterbender
Ruff & Tuff - Firebender
Fishlegs - Smartbender( lol, no. Earthbender )
This might change later on( it did, I changed it xD), but that's what I have at the moment.
Also, I'll try to make each chapter about 1000-2000 words. No more, no less, cause I can't write long chapters.
That is all.
Enjoy? xD

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