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Hiccup woke up to the smell of dried herbs. It's was dark outside, but he did not know if it was morning or night. He blinked, trying to get used to the darkness. The many shadows were blurry at best. At first he did not remember where he was. He was not home, it was a little to cold and a much less windy for that. So where was he?
When his eyes finally adjusted, and the walls made of ice became visible to him, he almost fell down from the bed he was currently sitting on. Events came rushing back to him, and he almost threw up. He Waterbended. Airbenders weren't supposed to be able to Waterbend. He made a small hurricane of air on his hand, just to make sure. It didn't matter how many times he tried to think of a reason for what happened, his biggest fear was the only reasonable explanation. He was the Avatar...
The more he thought about it, the more nervous he got. What now? Should he go home? He'd like to apologize to Gobber, at least. Gobber was the only person—except, maybe Nou Loong—that he really cared about. They were also the only people who cared about him. But still, that did not answer his question. What to do? The pit in his stomach was growing steadily. He didn't want this. He didn't want to be the Avatar. Could he give it to someone else? No, even he knew that. The Avatar was born with the power to bend the other elements, not given the power sometime randomly.
He had no idea what to do now. What did the Avatar do? Basically the only thing he actually knew about it, was that the Avatar had to learn all four elements. In an order. That was great and all, but how was he supposed to do it? The reality was a hard push to his chest. He could not breath for several second, and was almost afraid of choking. It was weird. He was an Airbender, he should not have trouble breathing. He was good at breathing, as dumb as that sounded. What was he thinking about again?
The smell of herbs eventually got too much for him, and he had to move out of the room. He had no idea where he was a that moment, so maybe it wasn't that smart. He had to get away. Away from the Water Tribe? No, that would not help him. He should talk with Oswald before leaving. Not that that would help him either, but that was the right thing to do.
As he stepped out from wherever he was, he saw a man in thick clothing walk by. The man was wearing layers of pelt, which made Hiccup shiver. Not because of the slightly cold weather, but because the man was wearing an animal. "Uhm, excuse me?" He yelled, but not too loudly. He did not want to disturbe the sleeping tribe members. "Can you tell me where I am?" The man turned around and squinted his eyes while walking towards Hiccup. He only took a couple of steps before dropping to his knees, head down in respect. Hiccup was dumbstruck. What just happened? "What are you doing?" He asked the older man.
"I am so sorry, great Avatar, for not showing my respect right away. Please, take my apology—forgive me—it will definitely not happen again any time soon." The man said pleadingly, his head still bowed and neck exposed. Hiccup felt like the man expected to be punished.
Hiccup stared at the man for seconds, feeling... strange. It was an out of body experience he did not want. "What... what are you talking about? I just wanted to know where I am." Hiccup asked, uncomfortable.
The man raised his head just enough to look at Hiccup but stayed in his kneeling position. "Hiccup the Avatar, it is an honor to meet you. You are currently in the center of the Northern Water Tribe."
The mans answer surprised Hiccup. 'Hiccup the Avatar'? What happened while he was asleep? He. briefly remembered the fact that a lot of people had seen him fight. A lot of people saw him Waterbend. "Uh, thanks?" He had no clue what to say. A man was bowing in front of him—for him.
"You are welcome." And then the man hurried away.
Hiccup just stood there, very confused and very shocked. He now knew where to go, but his feet wouldn't listen. He couldn't get over the fact that  a random man just bowed to him. Bowed to him! Why? He sighed. He was tired, confused and wanted answers.
With that thought in mind, he walked through the streets, searching for Oswald's house or the great hall. Whatever came first. While walking he remembered that he didn't know what time it was. He could turn around to try and find the man again, but he didn't. He was still creeped out from their first and hopefully last encounter.
And then another thing hit Hiccup. It was like bricks were being thrown at him none stop, hitting him hard every time with accuracy. His heart sank, like it had already done so many times that day, and he dropped to his knees. Were everyone going to treat him like that from now on? Were people going to forget that he was Hiccup, not just the Avatar?
Meanwhile, Astrid was being lectured by her 'mom'. The woman had been anything but a mother to her for weeks, and Astrid was starting to think that her uncle remarrying was a bad idea. Gretha—as Astrid's fake mom was called—was a slender woman who quite frankly thought she owned the world half of the time. The only reason Astrid as much as tolerated her, was because she made her uncle happy. Her uncle Finn who took her in and treated her as his own child.
Astrid was obviously ignoring Gretha. The woman got less and less carving with each day passing. The only thing her dear 'mother' thought about, was the fact that Astrid's bending teacher didn't like. In Gretha's eyes, she was bringing shame to the Hofferson name. Her uncle often joked about how her temper could challenge a Firebenders. Well, at that time she wished she was a Firebender, just so she could burn Gretha into extinction. The thought make her smirk.
Instead of listening to the old woman ramble, Astrid was thinking about the rumors going around. An Airbender came to the northern Water Tribe? Why? And suddenly he's also the Avatar? Yeah right, and Gretha's lectures weren't making her fall asleep. It was dark outside, and Astrid felt like she might fall asleep where she was I Gretha didn't shut her pie-hole soon.
"HOW CAN YOU BE SO CARELESS, ASTRID?!" Astrid had to roll her eyes, because Gretha was literally saying the same things over and over.
"Look, Gretha, I'm... sorry." Astrid hesitated. She hated apologizing, especially if she hadn't done anything wrong. "... I know what I did was kinda stupid—"
"—but it's really late, and I'm tired. I have lessons tomorrow, and I need sleep. So, sorry. Can I go now?" She asked with gritted teeth. Astrid didn't wait for an answer and used Gretha's stunned silence as a distraction to get away.
Aaand, that's a chapter.
I wrote in the first chapter that Astrid's parents died when she was younger, which they did. Finn and his wife acts like her parents. Just so people understand my plot isn't ruined or something xD I'm pretty sure no one has noticed, but still.
I'm sorry if this doesn't reach my word limit, I think it does, but I'm not sure.
I'm also sorry if I don't answer to reviews. *cue awkward, sorry face*
Anyway, thanks to those who are reading, I guess.

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