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Astrid could hear cheering and laughing, and the occasional gasp here and there too. It confused her, because that was definitely not normal behavior. Astrid was pretty sure that her mom, as patient as she was, was getting annoyed. It annoyed Astrid too, but what annoyed her wasn't the noise, it was that she didn't know why people were making it. Even worse, she wasn't sure she wanted to know. In the end she couldn't take the curiosity anymore and decided to check it out real quick. She was out and about in no time, and it didn't take her long to get to the center of their tribe. She lived pretty close.
She thought she would see some dudes throw water at each other or something along the lines of fighting. The noise level didn't add up to it, but that was the only reasonable, well, reason that came to mind.
What she saw definitely wasn't what she expected to see. There, in the middle of... well, everything, sat a bison. A freaking sky-bison. But what surprised her even more was the familiar lemur sleeping on the freaking bison. Sharpshot. Which meant Hiccup was here. What would an Airbender be doing in the middle of the ocean? On a big block of ice of all?
Astrid shook her head.
The other tribe members were gathering around the meeting-hall. Had something happened? Did Hiccup come with a message from the Air temple? She felt stupid for not knowing these simple questions. If something important was happening, surely she would have heard of it?
The whispering got quieter the closer she got to the big doors of the amazingly big hall. The people didn't want to disturb whoever was inside apparently. Now that she thought about it, it was probably the chief. Sure, she too would show respect for him if she saw him, but whispering in his presence? She didn't think that was necessary.
Catching movement she looked up once again. Guards opened the doors from the inside and out stepped the Chief - just as she had thought, and his daughter - she hadn't expected her to be there though she she should've. Last a boy her age walked through the door. He was wearing orange and yellow clothes that made his green eyes stand out in a... different way. Astrid recognized him as Hiccup. The strange Airbender tattoos were also visible, but they didn't make him look any less... Hiccup.
"Settle down, everyone. I understand you all may have some questions. It's been a long time since we had an Airbender visit us." Oswald yelled calmly. He was holding his arms up in the air, his posture clearly telling daring anyone to speak up but not actually threatening.
Astrid never understood how he did that - managed to be threatening without being threatening at the same time... and that didn't make sense at all. In the name of the Avatar, what had she eaten? She couldn't focus at all. Now that she thought about it, she didn't feel very well. She could see Oswald's mouth moving, hear him talk but nothing he said made sense. It all sounded like gibberish, as if he was just talking for the sake of using his vocal cords. That's what they're called, right? Vocal cords. Strange words.
Astrid blinked repeatedly, trying to make the drowsiness go away. It didn't work, so she tried to shake her head instead... bad idea. Ouch. Don't shake your head when you're dizzy. She felt her vision starting to blur a bit, people around her looking less and less like... something.
"Astrid? Are you okay?" A woman from the Watertribe asked.
Astrid opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out at first. "I-I'm... fine-" She barely finished her sentence before every went black.
It was dark. She couldn't see anything, only shadows. The shadow of a human, the shadow of plants... shadows of things that was not there.
The only thing Astrid could concentrate on, were the sounds. She could hear whispering, some yelling, people walking and running. It was confusing, considering her tribe was pretty peaceful normally.
"Is she gonna be okay, healer?"
Who? What happened?
"I cannot answer that yet. I'm sorry, but I need to know what's wrong with her first."
Wrong with who? Were they talking about her? Why wouldn't she be fine? She was just feeling a little sleepy, that's all. Nothing to worry about.
When she tried to voice her thoughts, no sound came out. She realized she was in her bed—no, it wasn't her bed. She was in the healers hut.
What was wrong with her?
Hello, and welcome to a short shitty chapter. I had a basic outline for this, but I just couldn't get it down on paper.
So I used Astrid getting sick as advantage, and made that an excuse for... how this is not good writing xD I dunno, I don't feel like this is how I write normally, but who am I to say anything?
I'll try to make the next chapter longer (aka more than 2000 words, which is (was) my limit before).
I really am sorry, but I couldn't write this better, no matter how many times I tried :(
Next - Hiccup gets in a fight. Which will be my first try at a fight scene or whatever. That's gonna be interesting.

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