Part 2 -

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If some people who were reading before I deleted the chapters are here, I just want to say that you don't need to read from chapter 1-3 and 5-7. I'm only re-writing chapter 4 completely, the other chapters I'm adding small thing to, nothing big or important. If I do, I'll definitely make a note about it, but as of now, I'm not planning to.
That is all.
"What do you say, Sharpshot? Warm and cozy." Hiccup said while sitting against the wall in a small cave. Rain was purring down outside, but the small fire Hiccup started helped a lot. He wasn't even cold. The fact that he had a big bison to give him a bit of warmth with him might also help a bit.
Sharpshot made a couple of strange sounds. Hiccup couldn't be sure exactly what it meant, but the look on Sharpshot's face clearly said something along the lines of 'I don't know what you're doing but I'm not sure I approve'.
Hiccup sighed and started petting him, the action making the lemur purr and the purring calming the young Airbender. "I know, Sharpshot, I know." Hiccup said. "But what was I supposed to do? I'm twelve!" He continued ranting about his problems to the small animal. "They can't just come up to me and say 'hey, we know you're very much too young, but uh, we think a war might start or something. Oh, and you're the Avatar, so... yeah, you need to save the world. Let's get to work!'. That isn't how it works!" Hiccup was almost yelling at this point, tears of frustration in his eyes.
Shapshot looked at him with those big eyes of his and Hiccup took a deep breath. He wasn't easily angry or annoyed. He was a happy person in general, like most Airbenders. "What do I do, Sharpshot? Explore the world like I planned? Go home again?" The lemur only tilted his head a bit. "Yeah, you're right, I can't go back now. It's too late to turn back." He said after a while.
"I could go to the Fire Nation. Or maybe the southern Watertribe? It's been a long time since I've last tried penguin sledding." Hiccup thought out loud.
The lemur looked at him with big eyes once again, before deciding to get some food. He ran up the bison's tail and took out a fruit from one of the saddlebags. The bison just ignored the smaller animal completely.
"What do I do?" Hiccup whispered.
"Move with the water, Astrid, not against it." An older looking woman said. Her hair was almost completely white and she was wearing the traditional blue clothes from the Watertribe.
Astrid, a much younger girl, took an irritated breath and glared at her feet. "Yes, Shui, I know. You tell me that all the time." She said, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.
Shui, didn't like her tone one bit. "You're right, I do. So why aren't you doing it?" Shui asked.
Astrid scowled. Shui was... a nice enough person. She was almost always sweet, like a lovable grandma, she was patient... except when she was with Astrid. For some reason, the woman hated her. Astrid herself had never given Shui any reason to not like her, or she didn't think she had. She was a great student, much better than most of the boys her age, yet she had only just started learning two year ago, three years later than boys are allowed. It was unfair, but Astrid didn't complain. Most of the time.
"Now do as I told you to!" Shui commanded sternly.
Astrid once again had to resist the eye roll.
"Hey, the weather cleared!" The young Airbender said, his green eyes open wide, ready for a new day after another good night of sleep.
And indeed the weather had cleared. The once dark skies were now a perfect blue color, the sun was shining and the sound of thunder was no longer present. The bad weather had left the dirt wet and big pools of water everywhere, and Hiccup suddenly had the urge to jump in it.
He took in the fresh air, his bad mood from the day before a little better. "Well," He started, looking at his two animal friends. "We should probably get going soon."
And with that Hiccup decided to pack everything down. It took very little time, since he hadn't actually used much. After he was done, he took a look around the cave, just to make sure he didn't forgot anything. "I think we're done here!" Turning around to talk to the bison, he jumped into the saddle with a little help from his bending and gave the short command to fly. "Yip yip!"
"You will get everything and everyone ready NOW! I don't care how much more time you need, the Fire Nation will rule the world, and you wouldn't want to be a traitor. Would you? Because I'm sure I could easily tell the queen that you're not up to the task!"
"No, my lord, I will get the men ready! I'm very sorry, it will not happen again!"
-0-( from here on it will go very fast. A couple of short parts in Hiccup's journey to wherever he's going and such )-0-
"Where's the stupid map? Shapshot, where's the map?! I saw you take it!" The lemur in question purred, not understanding the importance of a single piece of paper. Why'd he need that anyway?
Hiccup groaned. The look the little lemur gave him a look that obviously meant he didn't know or care. "Sharpshot! I knew I should have left you at the Air temple!"
-0-( some days later )-0-
The first thing Hiccup noticed about the village he visited, were the yelling and many people.
"Welcome you, welcome all, to the small market of Bai Hai! Everything from toys to weapons will be found here! We have food and clothes, needle and thread!"
Hiccup, not knowing where anything were, asked the loud man for help. "Uh, excuse me, sir? Where can I find a fruit and vegetable stand?"
The man smirked. "Hello, hello, little Airbender. I hear in my ear, that you're searching for food, yes?"
"Well, yes, I just to-"
"Aha! We have everything you need. Maybe you'd like to buy some old Air Nation stuff too?"
"Uh, no thanks, I ju-"
"No? What about a new pet?"
"I'm sorry, sir, I just want-"
"Say no more, I understand... that you need a new staff! Mighty well, we have a lot of those."
The loud man continued on and on, never letting Hiccup finish a sentence. He did end up finding a food stand however.
After 5 hours of talking and trying to get away.
-0-( 4 days after leaving )
"No! Don't eat that! I need it! Give it back!" Hiccup yelled in annoyance. He sighed and turned around after hearing a big crash. "Oh no." He mumbled to himself and rubbed towards the possible accident. "Note to self, never let Sharpshot stay with the village children ever again!"
-0-( one week after Hiccup left )-0-
"Hm." Hiccup hummed, the silence too much for the active Airbender. He wanted to fly a bit by himself with his glider, but he still had no idea of where he should go. He thought about going to the northern Watertribe, simply to observe. He did not believe what Gobber and the monks told him, but he had never tried bending the other elements. For a couple of reasons, actually. One being he didn't know how to. He had no teacher, or friend who could show him how at the moment. Another reason, he supposed, was that he didn't want to know if he could.
But alas, he still needed at place to go. Traveling was fun and all, but he did want a half-permanent place to stay for a while. Sleeping on the ground wasn't that comfortable anyway.
Yes, a warm bed would be nice. And he was close to the northern Watertribe anyway, why not go there? He knew a lot of - scratch that, the northern Watertribe had a pretty big population. He definitely didn't know a lot of the people there, but he knew some. One of them being Astrid Hofferson, a girl his age. He met her on one of his trips at the age of nine. Her parents were sweet too, he could probably sleep at their house.
Shui was driving her crazy! The woman was never satisfied with ANYTHING Astrid did! A perfect first try would end with a 'your from is wrong'. Doing better than the other students apparently meant she was putting other people down with her 'fake confidence'. She could not take it anymore! Shui and her dumb comments were making it very hard to learn anything!
And then there were her parents. Her irrational parents who didn't understand what Astrid wanted. She knew they were trying to help, of course she did... but they weren't, not even close. She wanted to be a warrior, not a healer. She knew the basics of healing, and had to admit that it was very handy, but it wasn't what she wanted.
Maybe she should leave for some time. Her parents wouldn't like it, but she almost felt like she had to. She'd like to see other places too! Water and ice got tiring after a while.
But she couldn't leave. Her parents would be worried sick. She just had to keep trying.
"Okay, we're gonna take the short route. We need to turn there, go over here and... after that it should be smooth flying all the way!" Hiccup exclaimed happily while pointing to different parts of his map. Buying a new map was definitely a good idea, without it Hiccup would've been lost. The wind however, made it just a bit harder to actually read it. Sigh.
Sharpshot chirped. The much smaller animal had to be careful while up in the air as not to fall off. That would surely not be fun. The Bison ignored the Lemur and kept going towards their destination.
Hiccup turned to look at Sharpshot. "Sharpshot." He said the name seriously. "When we land again I want you to go find a pond or river. Got it?" He asked. Hiccup knew his friend understood more than most people thought.
The Lemur tilted his head and curled around himself. The action meant something along the lines of 'sure, sure, now let me sleep, human'. Hiccup chuckled. Sharpshot were always a lazy little creature.
Hiccup took one more look  at his map, just to make sure the three of them were on the right course. It wouldn't do to get lost now. With some supplies holding the map down, he pointed to the different parts and places they were supposed to go.
The map itself was beautifully drawn, very precise and colorful. But, even though it was a nice map, Hiccup could see a mistakes. He loved drawing himself, and was pretty good, so the small not-as-straight-as-they-should-be-lines were very visible to him. It irritated his eyes, but he would live.
"Great, we're almost at our next stop!"
"That took way too long. I'm done with these villages." Hiccup complained to his two animal friends. How come they couldn't just let him pass? Had they never seen an Airbender before or something? They were all very sweet and all, but he just did not want to stay hours only to get bread and fruit. That was just too much to handle. "Let's go before they come back." He said with a smile.
Jumping onto his bison he looked around just to make sure no one followed him through the woods. Thinking about it like that was actually kinda creepy, but he had a feeling some of them might've done it.
Yay! Anyhow, this was actually a bit longer! The story is now on... I dunno, about 3600 words, I think? Yeah, that's probably right.
I really wish I could write longer chapters, but I'm not good enough to do that. Sadly.
I should probably start doing disclaimers... like, I don't own HTTYD and/ or A:tla. If I did HTTYD3 would be out earlier and Legend of Korra wouldn't have happen. I don't like that show.
Okay, so I hope you enjoyed and will follow this story or something. I don't know. Bye?

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