RWBY Chibi: Male!Reader Insert {Ep. 1}

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"Ruby makes cookies"

You were on your way to the kitchen to help yourself with a glass of milk, only to see Ruby attempting to make cookies on her own, but she seems to be having difficulties at every step of the way. You decided to walk in.

You: Hey, Ruby!

Ruby: Hmm? Oh hey, (Y/N). What's up?

You: Nothing much. Just gonna grab a glass of milk..

Ruby: Oh.. Okay.

And with that said and done, Ruby returns to whatever she was doing, while you opened the refrigerator to grab a bottle of milk and poured a whole glass of it. You leaned yourself on the counter, drinking the milk as you watched Ruby desperately cracking the egg. Angered by the fact that the egg won't crack, she jumped up a few feet only to crack the egg too hard, splashing some of its yolk to Ruby's face.

You: You seem to be having trouble there Ruby, need any help?

Ruby: No, it's okay, Totally fine.

She says this as she shakes a bag of flour to the bowl, but the flour didn't seem to come out. She stands over the counter while holding the bag of flour upside down. You're eyes widen in realization as you figured out what she is about to do.

You: Ruby, I don't think that's a good---

And with a mere shake of the bag, all the flour came rushing out, creating a brief, small fog.


When the fog died down, you saw Ruby now below the counter looking dazed as she sighed in disappointment. You sighed to yourself as you finished the rest of your milk in one gulp, and walked over to scythe-wielding girl.

You: Alright, it's obvious you need help....

You grabbed an apron and a hairnet, then instructed her on how to make chocolate chip cookies, correctly, as she watches in anticipation. Unbeknownst to you while you were stirring the batter, Ruby got her hands on the chocolate chips. She took one, and shoved it inside her mouth. She stays silent for a while then she grabs a handful and shoves it in her mouth repeatedly. Just as you finished stirring the batter....

You: Ruby, could you pass me the----

But you abruptly stopped as she suddenly appears everywhere (even outside), with a chocolate chip bag in her hand while shoving a handful of chocolate chips into her mouth. When she was done, she turned to you, only to see you with your hands on your hips with a disapproving look plastered on your face. She gives off a sheepish laugh as she hands you the bag of chocolate chips, and you continue.

You: Okay, that pretty much is it. Why don't you stir a bit while I heat the oven?

Ruby nodded enthusiastically and went over the bowl. She grabs a hold of the wooden spoon, and tries to stir, only for the wooden spoon to be cemented on the batter, she tried it again giving off a strained groan. She frantically does everything just for the wooden spoon to come off. She goes over the counter as she pulls the wooden spoon off, only to be slipped and crashes off

Ruby: AAAHH!!

She goes back over the counter and she pushes this time, but still the the same result, only there was a crashing noise this time, which you heard.

You: What's going on in the---

But your sentence was stopped mid-short as you saw Ruby jump and uses her feet to push the wooden spoon off the bowl, only to hear a cracking sound, which made her eye twitch in pain and fall on the floor. You grimaced at that...

You: Ouch.....


You: There. All done, and heated.

After a few minutes of waiting (in agony for Ruby) the cookies were finally baked.

You: What goes better when you have a glass of milk to dip in~?

You said this as you grabbed the bottle of milk and poured a glassful on Ruby's glass. You then felt your scroll vibrate on your pocket. You fished it out and answered it.

You: Yellow? Oh hey there, Blake. What's up?..............I see.............. Okay, be there in a minute. Well I gotta get going. See ya later, Red.

You said this as you ruffled her red-tinted black hair, which she only groaned in annoyance, and you left.

"Party Games"

You and Team RWBY were playing party games, until Weiss decided its time to play a game of pin the tail on the donkey. She goes first and.......................................Misses.....

Ruby: Missed!

Weiss: Drat!

You: Well, that was short-lived.

"Ninjas of Love Part 1"

Ruby skips her way to their dorm only to find you on reading atop of Yang's bed... totally engrossed in reading your newly-bought book.

Ruby: Huh? Hey, (Y/N). Where are the others?

You: Don't know. Have you checked the courtyard?

Ruby: No.. So I guess I'll go check out the court....yard?

Just as she was going to leave, her eyes landed on Blake's book sticking out underneath her pillow. She silently zooms over Blake's bed and looks up to you only to see you totally busy in reading. She grabbed a hold of the book and starts to read it eagerly. She turns a couple of pages, and sees a folded, extended page. She flips the book and, and the folded page extends, revealing something raunchy.

Ruby: Now that's a katana.

Weiss and Yang's Training

Meawhile, outside Beacon Academy, Weiss and Yang were having a sparring match with you being the referee.

You: Ready... and... FIGHT!!

Weiss attacks with a slash, only for Yang to narrowly dodge, nearly getting hair get cut. This angered Yang a bit, and she followed up with punch, with Weiss blocking the attack using her one of her Glyphs. Weiss attacks again, and Yang counters, knocking Myrtenaster out from Weiss' hand. She gives her a smirk as she jumps up to finish the fight as she gives off a battle cry. She punched forward for her gauntlet to fire, but it didn't. Yang tries it again, and again but no to avail. You looked over to your side and saw a pair of shotgun clips for Yang's Ember Celica.

You: Uh.... Yang? You forgot to load your gauntlets......

Weiss chuckles a bit and mocks her by sticking her tongue out while exposing a fleshy part under her eye.

You: *mumbles* Real mature, Weiss. Very mature.

You then saw Yang punch Weiss off-guard, which sends her flying off a couple of feet. Yang makes a victorious pose, totally proud of herself. You made sweat-drop demeanor at this.

You: Way to play to play it off the ranks, Yang....

Ninjas of Love Part 2

Blake went back to their dorm, only to notice her book was missing. She immediately zooms to her bed, to find it.

Blake: Huh? Wha?!

Her whole body suddenly shakes in nervous as she gives a nervous groan. She goes over to the small bookshelf near her bed as she frantically rummages through it.

Blake: Where is it?!

She then sees you reading a book somehow similar to hers. Meanwhile to you, you were completely oblivious to your raven-haired girlfriend's antics. You were about to turn the next page because of some cliffhanger you encountered from the recent page. You were about to read the first sentence until your book is suddenly snatched right out of your hands.

You jerked up from Yang's bed, looked around to see who took your book, then your eyes landed on the raven-haired beauty below you.

You: Blake! Why did you---

Blake: Why did you steal my book?

You: Huh?

Blake: You just literally stole my book!

You: What are you talking about? Okay.... first of all, I didn't steal your book. And second, would you please look at that book's cover before you take anymore drastic measures?

Taking in for your words, Blake complied and flipped the book into its front cover, and saw "Ninja of Love: Volume 2" printed on it.

You: I just bought that book this morning, and, for your information, I just found out that it's less raunchier than Volume 1. And as to where your book is......

Instead of continuing what you were saying, you pointed something behind her. While Blake turned around to see where her book is, you took that moment to swiftly snatch your book back, and continued reading it.

Meanwhile back to Blake, she turns her back to you as she faces her angry team leader, who narrowed her eyes at her while she growls at her in disappointment. Blake, completely embarrassed, tries to speak up.

Blake: Ruby, is that my book?

Ruby: This is filth! FILTH!!

She then jumps up as she gives Blake a spinning book smack using Blake's own book, and walks away. You, being protective of Blake, instantly panicked at your girlfriend's dazed figure. You rushed to her aide as you cradled her in your lap.

You: BLAKE! Are you okay? Speak to me, kitty.

She slowly raises her forefinger as she spoke.

Blake: Ca-Can I have my book back?

Ruby: Later!

You sighed to yourself as you grabbed your book from Blake's bed, which you immediately dropped after you saw Blake got smacked, and handed it to her.

You: Here.

Blake: Huh?

You: You only read volume 1, right? So........

Her head suddenly perked up, and in one swift motion, she took the book right out of your hands(again), and lied down on her bed. You chuckled to yourself as you stood up.

You: I'll be with Team JNPR for while. I'll see you later, kitty.

You winked at her before you left, which made her face go beet red all over. But you remembered something, and dashed back.

You: I got my eyes on you, Ruby..... I'm warning you......

And with that said done, you continued your way....


And that pretty much sums it up for today's episode of RWBY Chibi: Male|Reader insert. And if you did enjoyed it, please do leave a comment, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I could improve my stories as well as myself.

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