RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 20}

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"Double Trouble"

Inside Beacon Academy's Dorm' common room, Blake is currently standing completely still as she stares ahead, nothing in particular. Nearby, Tealle and Claire are sitting on the couch reading magazines.

Claire: You think this'll work, Tealle?

Tealle: (giggles) Trust me, Claire. It will...

A rather dejected-looking Ruby is then seen walking over to Blake, who is currently paying no attention to her team leader's presence.

Ruby: Hey, Blake. Man, I'm so bummed. I think I crashed and burned on that test today. How did you do?

Blake doesn't answer or move, her eyes still staring ahead blankly. After a couple seconds of total silence, Ruby becomes more chipper and her face brightens up.

Ruby: You know what? You're right. In the long run, one test is no big deal! I'll do better next time! Thanks, Blake!
Ruby walks off cheerfully. In walks Jaune, looking equal parts optimistic and determined.

Jaune: Whoo! I'm gonna do it! I'm finally going to tell Weiss how I feel abut her! (hesitantly) I think... I dunno... Maybe? Uh, what do you think, Blake?

Blake still doesn't respond in any way. After a couple seconds of total silence, Jaune's eyes widen in horror.

Jaune: Oh my gosh, you're right! What was I thinking?! That would've... That would've been a disaster! You know, I feel like you really "get" me. Thanks, Blake!

Jaune skips off cheerily as Claire and Tealle put their respective magazines down.

Claire: Why is he still so persistent on the Ice Queen even though he's already going out with Sky?

Tealle: I think it's cute that he shows determination and perseverance...

Claire: Can't deny that. Speaking of Ice Queen.....

The two then went on to continue reading their magazines as Weiss strolls into the room, casually humming a tune. She locks eyes with Blake and adopts a defensive, angry expression, with her hands on her hips.

Weiss: Huh? What? Why're you looking at me like that? Blake? Is it... Is it that thing I did? (gasp) How did you find out about that!? You can't tell anyone! Look, I'll make it worth your while! A lifetime supply of tuna! Deal?

Blake continues to stare blankly and not respond.

Weiss: Oh, you're good. Very good.

Weiss walks off defiantly. Moments later, another Blake walks over, revealing the first Blake to actually be a shadow clone created by her Semblance.

Blake: Did it work?

Claire: Yep! You bet!

Tealle: They really thought it was you!

Blake lets out a small giggle as she dispels her shadow clone out of thin air with a touch of her hand. Ruby walks in again, looking rather content and cheerful, greets Blake again.

Ruby: I feel so much better! You're the best!

Ruby walks away as Blake just laughs at this. Weiss walks back into the room, pushing a box full of canned tuna. She kicks a can of tuna and it rolls over and settles at Blake's feet.

Weiss: You're the worst.

Weiss storms off, leaving Blake with her box of tuna and a great deal of excitement. Blake gave the two girls in the a couch a wide smile as they just give her a thumbs up.

Jaune ambles in.

Jaune: Oh. My. Gosh. Blake, I have so many girl problems, good thing you're such a great listener!

As Jaune ambles away, both female members of Team MSTC put their magazines down on the coffee table, with Tealle giving Blake a pleading look and a small pout.

Blake: (giggles) Okay, okay. I reckon I should at least share you some seeing as this was your idea.

Tealle instantly glomped Blake down to the ground.


False Accusation!


Inside Vale's police precinct, you, Sky, Sun, and Neptune have rounded up five suspects-- Roman, Neo, Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury--for some "arbitrary" crime.

You: We'll start with you, guy with the awful eye-shadow.

Roman: They're not--

Sky: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We don't really care! Out with it!

Roman: Just because I'm a criminal doesn't mean I have to be behind every crime that happens! That's just being stereotypical! I swear, didn't do anything this time!

You and Sky narrowed your eyes at him as you them moved to the next suspect, Emerald. You were about to open your mouth to say something when, she suddenly raised her hand to stop you.

Emerald: I have the right to remain silent!

Mercury: Yeah! We have the right to have an attorney too!

You: What makes you think you can afford one?

Cinder: It's our right!

You turned your head to Sky who is raising his eyebrow as he reads on a large, thick book. On its cover was the label "Laws and Constitutions of the Land for Dummies".

You: Well?

Sky: They're not wrong....

Sky throws the book behind him and out of sight, before a crash and the hiss of a 'cat' is suddenly heard. You were just about to dismiss the suspects when suddenly the doors to the precinct burst open with a loud bang, revealing Sun and Neptune, wearing aviators and fake mustaches, their badges held out in front.

Neptune: Hold it right there!

Sun: You missed interrogating one suspect!

You: Who? The girl with the ice-cream hair?

Sun: Yeah! Don't you think she's been awfully quiet this whole time?!


Yeah, she looks kinda sus to me. Who knows what nefarious schemes are behind that adorable, innocent face!

As they continue to press her with questions and suspicions, Neo keeps acting innocent, scared, and about to cry--to the point where she holds Roman close to her for comfort, patting her head softly.

Roman: There, there, Neo. They can't hurt you anymore, I promise.

Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury then "react emotionally" to this.

Our poor, ice cream baby....

Our lawyers will hear about this police brutality!

You gave off a deadpanned expression to this, while Sky just planted his face on his palm so hard he broke his glasses, uttering a curse under his breath.

"Roman's Revenge"

Outside Beacon, Teams RWBY and MSTC lie on the grass and plays fetch with Zwei.

Good boy, Zwei? Ready? Fetch!

Ruby pretends to throw a stick, but actually hides it behind her back. Zwei zooms off to find the stick while the members of Team RWBY,
along with Team MSTC laugh.

Behind the seemingly carefree group, Roman Torchwick's head peeks out from behind a pillar.

Ha ha ha! Oh, Little Red and Popsicle laugh while you can, because Roman Torchwick is back in town! Muahahah! You thought you could just move on into a spin-off comedy series---

A loud crack is heard in the distance, but it doesn't interrupt Roman.

---and leave me behind?! Guess again! I will have my revenge! This time, things are gonna be different.

Neopolitan silently walks up behind Torchwick and pulls out a sign, saying "THEY WON'T", and shakes her head. Torchwick turns around and Neo quickly hides the sign behind her back, blinking her eyes adorably at him.

Neo, it's time to destroy those meddling kids once and for all! And their stupid dog, too...

Neo nods vigorously.

Prepare the death ray!

Neo smiles evilly and produces a comically large ray gun twice her own size. Torchwick looks at it in shock.

(regaining his composure) Eh, right, don't be a show off. My hour of victory is at hand! Neo, load the highly
explosive Dust crystals!

Neo produces a huge bundle of red Dust crystals and smiles evilly. Until Ruby calls of in the distance...

Zwei? Where did you go, dummy?!

Neo and Torchwick look around with concerned expressions. Zwei comes bounding over and stops right next to Torchwick, looking at the criminal innocently, panting and wagging his tail.

Shoo! Get out of here, you mangy mutt!

Torchwick tries to shoo Zwei away, waving his cane in the dog's face. Zwei grabs the cane with his mouth and bites down hard.
Torchwick and Zwei struggle over the stick. Neo prances around helplessly.

No, no, no, this isn't your stupid stick!

Zwei yanks Torchwick's weapon out of his grasp, and Torchwick stumbles backwards, landing on his back next to Neo. Zwei holds the weapon in his mouth, with the muzzle pointed directly at Torchwick and Neo.

(nervously) Uh... Good stupid doggy...? Stay...?

Neo pulls out a sign that reads "PLAY DEAD!"

Zwei inadvertently fires a round from the cane at Torchwick and Neo, igniting the Dust and enveloping the villainous pair in a large explosion. When the smoke clears, they are nowhere to be seen.

Ruby and the other members of Team RWBY along with Team MSTC walk over and find Zwei.

Ah, Zwei!

Zwei drops Melodic Cudgel at Ruby's feet.

Oh, you found a stick! Good boy! Come on, let's go for a walk.

Your eyes became wide as saucers as the 'stick' looked familiar.

You: Wait, can I have that 'stick', Rubes?

Ruby picks up the 'stick' before her feet and hands it to you. You began inspecting it.

You: Kind of looks like Roman's cane don't you think?

Sky: No doubt about it. Do you think Roman's also in this comedic segment?

More cracks can be heard in the background.

You: I think so. I mean, it took him twenty or so episodes to appear, but yeah...

Finally, the sound of glass breaking and crashing on the ground is heard, and you can see author glaring at your group holding up a Flex Tape.

Tealle: Maybe we should stop breaking the fourth wall...?

Claire: Yeah.... No. Too late.

You and the others smile and wave awkwardly at him as you slowly walk off and run away.

Torchwick yells as he falls to the ground from a great altitude, covered in soot and missing his hat. He lands on the ground with a thump. His hat floats down slowly after him, finally landing softly on his head.

Torchwick: I... can't feel my legs.

Neo, also covered in soot, floats down from the air using her parasole ala Mary Poppins style, with a displeased expression on her face.

Neo, how do I look?

Annoyed, Neo pulls out a sign that reads "FETCHING".

Torchwick: Wait a second, WHERE'S MY CANE?!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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