Chapter 1

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Just a head's up the flashbacks are in italics, please enjoy :)

Kimberley's P.O.V

"Hey baby girl are you ready to go, it’s X Factor audition day!!!" I jumped and smiled excitedly at the little girl looking up at me as I lowered the side of her cot to let her out daydreaming as I did so trying not to let memories flood my mind.

"YOU FUCKING WHAT" I screamed at him trying to hold the tears back, as I got more angered at the fact that he'd lied to me for 20 years, kept this secret. "Why didn't you mention her" I asked staggering above him in anger even though I’m only 5ft 4 and a whole foot shorted than him. "Dad!!" I shouted trying to force him to speak as she just stood there silent looking down at the ultra sound in my hands. The anger I felt towards him at this second was something I didn't know I had in me, as I was almost at the end of my tether he finally spoke "Ok, I’ll explain but please calm down first" he looked at me willingly. As I was about to protest and begin shouting again he stopped me, "Please" he pleaded looking at the coffee table in the kitchen "I’ll get us some tea and then I’ll explain". I figured it was the only way I was going to get answers so sat down and waited for him to finish making the tea.

"I added another sugar for the shock" he said fumbling the mug as he put it down. "Well you could call it that Dad, I mean at 20 the last thing you expect to hear is that you have another sister, how could you give her away at one point in your life then be so family oriented the next? That’s what I’m confused about" I blurted out, you see I had 2 sisters and a brother (or so I thought) Sally was the oldest then me, Adam and Amy was the youngest. We were always together, and Dad always installed in us the importance of family so I just couldn't get my head around him giving up a child.

"So that ultra sound you found I hid in the bottom of one of the photo boxes years ago as I needed to keep it, I couldn't let it go and I knew if you found it well look what's happened now!" 

"I want to know about the baby on the ultrasound Dad not the picture itself, get to the point cos I’m this close to doing exactly as the others did" When I found the picture I quizzed my Dad about it disturbing the whole house, who were clearing up from dinner. When we figured out it was our half-sister they all left trying to get their heads round it, my Mum had split from my Dad years ago and I had no idea if she knew but it wasn't her place to tell us anyway it was his.

"I was 15", he said  taking a sip of Tea, as my mind began to race trying to piece together the bit of my father’s life I was only just hearing about. "I'd been going out with this girl for a couple years and well one day she came to me panicked, she was pregnant. I'd always wanted a huge family and thought it was great but she was also only 15 and just couldn't see it the same  way that I did" he sighed looking glum as I gestured him to carry on "Ok so we told her parents they forced us to keep it a secret and told us the baby would be adopted, we were so scared that we didn't even try to argue, and when she was born that was it the baby was whisked away and it seems in a way so was Joan" I looked at him astonished "That was her name my girlfriends, we didn't have a baby name because we didn't see the point, after she was born Joan and I split we had been through too much too young and couldn't handle it, that's when I moved back to Bradford and well you know the rest. Believe me when I tell you this is the only thing I ever hid from you kids, Kim" he pleaded I rolled my eyes. "Does Mum know?" he looked up at me as an almost silent yes poured out his mouth "listen, I get why she wouldn't have told us, I just can't get over you trusting Mum with this and not trusting us" and that was it I left.

BANG "what was that" I looked around the bright room as I realised Katie had run off her bed straight in to the door "I swear you're made of rubber" I chuckled to myself, looking at her as she dusted herself off and re-opened the door giggling. Katie was my Niece who I had sole custody of, the little girl with her big hazel brown eyes, thick curly brown hair and olive skin was the best thing that had happened in my life over the past couple of years. 

"Kimbaaaaaaaaaghhhhhh" I heard being roared from the other room "Indoor voice" I said back in the same tone laughing  as I walked in picking her up upside down as I trudged back to my room throwing her gently onto my bed "rawwww!! It’s the clothes monster here to clothe a naked baby" I said putting on a voice as I ran over to her with clothes in my hand she screamed giggling. As I dressed her in the new clothes I’d bought her she stood in front of the mirror posing "For a 1 year old you are Vein" I giggled to myself as I proceeded to get ready for the day.


"And your name" "Kimberley Walsh" I said nervously hoisting Katie back up on my hip as she proceeded to wriggle around. This was it I thought to myself as I walked into the building with my sister Amy by my side, I grabbed her hand nervously "I can't do this" I said out loud as the nerves took over "YOU WHAT! I get out of bed early to meet you after kindly offering to take care of Katie and be there while you audition and you're nervous ok then let’s go home it's over Kim's nervous" she howled out dramatically as I chuckled with her, to be honest it was rather ridiculous I mean I’d been to hundreds of auditions before, but I was nowhere near as nervous as I was right now maybe it was a sign that something different would happen with this one? 

3484, 3485, 3486, 3487, 3488 and 3489 please follow me "this was it 3486 my number. I grabbed the water bottle Amy had brought as I picked up Katie and all 3 of us walked into the next foyer with the other contestants, I watched as the others walked in the secluded room that seemed a million light-years away hey almost claustrophobically close at the same time. When they each walked out I watched to see their reaction one guy got in but 4 people I had heard practicing earlier didn't which scared me even more. Then the words were said the words I was anticipating with dread as I feared the unknown.

"Kimberley Walsh, you're up!"

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