Chapter 2

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Kimberley's P.O.V

"Hiya pet, no need to be nervous tell us your name and where you're from" I heard her say as I stood frozen trying to calm myself and think and think about the little girl who was waiting for me outside, the little girl I was doing the competition for. "Oh errm Sorry" I laughed nervously realising I needed to break the tension filled silence and actually speak "I'm Kimberley Walsh, I'm 20 and I come from Bradford" as I said this I saw the slight confusion on Cheryl’s face as she questioned me again "so did you drive to Newcastle for this?" I laughed as I realised her confusion "No" I smiled shaking my head "I moved here a year ago, work and family commitments, but now I just want to achieve my dreams" I said quickly trying not to say too much. I definitely didn't want the whole country knowing my life story when I hadn't even sung yet. "You've come to the right place then, what are you going to sing?"  Simon replied to me as I told my song and began my audition.

"WOW" was all I heard Dannii say as the other judges were still sitting themselves back down after giving me a standing ovation. I couldn't believe it had it really gone that well? "Well missy you didn't mention you could sing like THAT did you?" Cheryl questioned as I blushed. I couldn't help but get lost in Cheryl's eyes and think I’d seen them same eyes before but of course that couldn't be true as I was only meeting Cheryl now. I beamed with joy as I heard the other judges’ comments and received my first 2 yes's from Danni and Louis "Well of course with a voice like that I'm a yes Hun" Cheryl said as I felt the excitement shroud over me realising I was through "4 yes's, you're going to boot camp" Simon stated back to me as I stomped my feet like a toddler with the excitement, making all four judges laugh. "Thank you" I muttered as I practically skipped out of the room over to were Amy and Katy where now waiting on a set of chairs by the door "I'm through" I beamed to them as Amy picked up Katy wandering over to me to hug and congratulate me "see told you nothing to worry about" Amy stated as we began walking out of the building.


Katy had fallen asleep in the car and we had decided to go through McDonald’s drive-thru on the way home for some food and were now at the last bay just waiting for our drinks. "She phoned last night" Amy stated matter of factly knowing I’d know exactly who she was on about, "And, what this time" I sighed taking the drinks from the woman in the window as we began to drive off. "I 'm going to be frank here" she mumbled the word catching in her throat "OK You're scaring me what??" a tear went down her cheek as she continued to keep her eyes on the road "I think that ummm that" I was getting agitated now "Think what? Amy spit it out can't be worse than what already happened" I scoffed as I looked at Amy's eyes as they seemed to of completely gone blank "She's done!" Amy muttered as I left a small reassuring smile hit my face "I know" my smile fell as I looked down holding my hands to my head "I don't know who I was talking to last night, the fight was gone, I think we've lost her" Amy continued as her eyes were spilling with tears. I didn't know how to answer so we just continued in silence. We eventually arrived back at my flat as Amy and I carried our food and a sleeping Katy in to the small rundown council flat. I said my goodbyes to Amy who had to be back home in Bradford that night for a date with her boyfriend and thought about my day. I couldn't believe it I was actually going to go to boot camp, I knew if I got far in this competition my life would change and I needed it to for Katy's sake as well as my own. 

I began clearing the house up as I thought back to the judges today, there was something about Cheryl I'd seen before and it was bugging me that I couldn't put my finger on quite what it was. "Mummy" I heard Katy sleepily cry as she awoke on the sofa. "No baby it Aunty Kimba" I smiled sadly, hugging her softly as she calmed and breathed into my neck "Mummy" she mumbled again, I couldn't believe it, it wasn't meant to be this way but the love I felt as she said that is unmatched.

"This is Hannah", my Dad said as I looked at the girl stood in the door way. She was the same height as me with similar blonde hair but unlike me was petite with big brown eyes and looked about 8 months pregnant. I thought it was a joke that my Dad had the audacity to bring her here when he knew I wasn't ready. "This is your sister" I looked around at Sally, Amy and Adam as they approached her hugging her and trying to make her feel welcome but something just didn't feel right as I felt a not in my stomach and had to run to the bathroom to be sick. I suddenly heard a knock on the bathroom door "Kimberley" I heard the unfamiliar voice say softly as I opened the door, "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I mean I met with John again today and he knew how much I wanted to meet you, he told me you weren't ready and I should have listened...” "It's fine" I cut her off not giving her the chance to finish as I walked past her over to my room.

"Come on then" I beckoned her harshly as I  sat down on my bed and let her speak. "so I guess you're me sister" "I guess" I said bluntly not expecting the words that next came out of her mouth "Don't hate him" "What??" I questioned "why shouldn't I don't you?" I asked her in shock "no honestly, I used to hate them but now I’ve met John it's a different story, it wasn't in his hands, the family you have are amazing Kimberley remember that". We sat together talking for hours as I let myself feel safer with her and more comfortable as the clock ticked on. We said our good byes and continued to meet up with each other every week for a month, which was tricky as she lived in Newcastle and I still lived in Bradford. She had grown up in various rundown council estates in Newcastle. Originally she was meant to be adopted but it fell through and she ended up in and out of foster care until she was old enough to look after herself and got herself a flat, she didn't really tell me allot about her current life apart from the fact she was expecting a little girl. I could tell her life was bad from the first time we spoke though and even though she was 26 I still felt I was holding the conversation and felt more mature than her. The only time she ever truly felt like an adult was when she was talking about her little girl and how she wanted to call her Katy.

I thought back to that memory, the little girl in my ‘NEW’ sister’s belly was now calling me Mum and with that thought I broke down on the sofa wishing it didn't have to be like that.

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