Chapter 8

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 Chapter 8

I woke up, pulling myself off the uncomfortable box I was slumped over unaware I’d even fallen asleep. I had probably fallen asleep whilst packing last night, the plan was to see Hannah to the train station then come back and pack up the boxes as I didn’t really have or rather own a lot in my small flat, however I couldn’t sleep my mind was working overtime so I started packing last night. Nicola had the week off and so was coming up to Newcastle to help me, after dropping Hannah off and then she was going her own way to see some family she had dotted about the north. I owed her big time, she has always had a big heart and I know if I ever need someone she’ll be there to help.

I walked into the now almost empty living room dragging my feet as I slumped onto the tired old sofa, it had been here way before I moved in, alike all of the furniture and appliances apart from Katie’s cot that was the first thing I made sure she had. Sat curled up on the sofa I finally pulled my phone towards me squinting as the bright screen pierced my eye. 5:23, great, I have so much to do today and on I guess about 2 hours sleep. I sighed trawling through my phone re-establishing the time I had to go meet Hannah at the train station. The ticket I’d booked was for 8:20 and so I’d agreed to meet Hannah at the central station half an hour before, realising I had time to try catch an hour or mores sleep I got up and sleepily traipsed to my bed; half collapsing into it.


I’d awoken once again just under an hour ago and so got straight up and decided to check my email to see if there was any news on where I’d be going for judges houses, but nothing only junk mail and a few old emails I’d kept, now I was pacing around the flat picking up the final bits and pieces dotted around. I finally moved once again over to my room. I’d left out enough stuff to get ready today on the cabinet beside my bed and so proceeded to grab them and get ready for the stressful day ahead.  


Looking up at the large clock in the train station and I once again checked my phone, no texts. I was beginning to get worried this wasn’t the first time Hannah had backed away from help but it was the last time I was going to try. As the clock continued to go round clicking in place to read 7:56 I sighed beginning to believe she wouldn’t turn up, just as I’d given up I saw the thin olive skinned figure walk towards me  with a large suitcase. “Sorry I’m late there was a reet nut job on the metro”, I smirked, inwardly crying with happiness that she’d actually turned up. Were things actually going right in my life for once?

 “So here’s your ticket, Nic will meet you at the other end, also I bought you this” I hand her the tickets alongside a small picture frame with a recent picture of Katie in it. “I know from your past withdrawals that it’s the hardest part for you and so I was hoping that having this would remind you why you need to get clean and spur you to carry on” I looked up at a stunned, silent Hannah “Thank you I love it” she whispered clearly trying to hide the choke in her throat. As we both sat waiting for the train to arrive we were silent, not really knowing what to say to one another. I had just got through to judges houses on The X Factor and here I was seeing my half-sister off as she goes to rehab, god my life is a mess. “I think that’s me” Hannah mumbled pointing to the train that just pulled up as we both tearfully embraced saying our goodbyes and I watched her walk off pulling her suitcase along through the gate and onto the train. This is it years of turmoil over and hopefully from today things can only change for the better.

 I walked back towards the Taxi rank to catch a lift home, but not before nipping through WhSmiths I figured I’d get Katie a magazine and some crafty bits to make up for the fact I would be leaving her again in a couple weeks. It was hard being apart from her especially as our bond had become so strong, and here I was going off every few weeks having to listen to her crying over the phone because she's had another nightmare or she misses me, but I had to remind myself that the reason I was doing this was for her. It would all be worth it in the end. I needed to make as best a life for us as I could and set an example to Katie. I let my eyes wonder over the abundance of magazines picking up a cute CBeebies one, she was too young to read but loved all the pictures and the toys that they come with. As I went to pick up the magazine a headline caught my eye ‘Cheryl Cole distraught and exhausted!’ with a picture that looked to be from boot camp. Without thinking I picked up the magazine and began reading the article. I didn’t really ever buy into all this celebrity magazine rubbish, half of it sounds to ridiculous to be true anyway, however I knew I’d noticed something from Cheryl that day and with all that had happened that day her emotions felt almost a comfort as weird as the sounds.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2014 ⏰

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