Chapter 5

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I looked up in elation at the other 5 girls infront of me as I realised this was it, I was going to Judges Houses!!!!

The night before myself, another girl, a group and a guy were put together to perform. I hadn't done so well as the low voices of the men put me off and the judges showed how dissapointed they were in my performance. However to my astonishment I was the only person to get through, then it came to my solo with the piano and I new exactly what to do. once the song had finished I once again was met by a standing ovation. I couldn't be more excited about getting through and to add to it Hannah had woken up and was making progress after being out for 4 days,which halped me relax knowing I made the right choice to stay. 

"Hi, Kimberley" I turned around to be met by the beautiful face of Cheryl Cole. "Oh erm hi" I let out quite nervously for some who doesn't get starstruck. "It's ok this ones been chatting about you none stop. I just wanted to say hi to the illustrious Kimba I here soo much about" Cheryl said giggling as I could see Nicola not far behind trying to hide as her cheeks went red "Nicola" I groaned out of mock anoyance and she looked at me with a joking shocked face "what?" she questioned laughing as Cheryl looked at the both of us and laughed "Anyway hun I really shouldn't do this, but I'm rooting for ya, from the first audition I believed you could win and i still think you can" She smiled her million pound smile as I blushed from the compliment. I thought that was really weird why choose me to talk to, there was still something about Cheryl that seemed familiar to me and it wasn't from her fame, i just couldn't put my finger on it. Not long after Cheryl and Nicola were called away and I made my way up to my room pack my clothes, talking to one of the xtra factor hosts Caroline Flack first. 

"So Kimberley you have a fan in the judges?"

"I' don't know really. They seem to like me but i guess time will tell, I just have to keep up with what I have done and do better"

I answered the last question before walking up towards the lift, suddenly remembering what I was going home to. 

"Hannah, Han...I've been knocking for ages I know you're in cos I can hear Katie" I called through the letterbox as i continually tried the door, I suddenly heard a crash and then i saw it her limp scared arm falling through the doorway in the hall to to kitchen. I ran to the nextdoor neighbours hoping someone had a key as i finally found a nice lady a few flats away who luckily was friends with Hannah and gave me a soare key. Unlocking the door I imediatly ran to Hannah's limp body as I looked down she was off her head on drugs and slowly coming round. I looked around the skanky flat drug paraphernalia strewn everywhere, Sick embedded into the carpet. Rage took over me as I walked into Katies room to find her nappy overflown lying in her own poo, crying her eyes out desperatly sucking on a bone dry bottle.Forgetting about Hannah I picked Katie up and washed her clean before putting a clean nappy on and leaving the flat with her. I decided to text Hannah so she knew her daughter was with me getting more angry as I typed out the text.

*I've got Katie, what the hell was that I just walked in on, clear up your act she could have starved to death before you'd of noticed I want nothing more to do with you. K* 

It had been two days since I took Katie from Hannah, when I intially left I had taken some of her things with me but it soon became apparent Hannah hadn't been looking after her, her clothes were too small and her formula was almost all gone. I had told everyone what had happened on my way back to Bradford and so when I arrived back Amy, Adam and my Dad were waiting for me. Imediatly we reported the incedent and we now had temporary custody, but Hannah came back for Katie kicking and screaming as we called the police to get her out. That was the start of a long drawn out battle.

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