Lucifer's Fall

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Story:  Lucifer's Fall

Author: Vushie

"What are you doing?" I managed to get out.

"What do you want me to do?" he purred.

"Release me?"

Lucifer's lips played along the sensitive skin behind my ear. "That's a question, little angel. One that even you're not sure of." His husky voice brushed down my spine like sensual fur.

My resistance was weakening from the onslaught of earthly pleasure I had never experienced before and the haunting familiarity. It was a heady combination that threatened to overwhelm me. "It's not like I can stop you. If you want something you'll take it." I gasped out.

"Does it make you feel better, to think I'd force you? You think you can hide behind your virtue and convince yourself I took something you had no intention of giving. That you could never want, desire, need something as unholy as me. You would shake your head and say the Light couldn't possibly crave the Dark." With ease Lucifer turned me over and I was slammed with his cruel beauty, that stunning face and form edged with shadows. His hands wrapped around my wrists and his midnight eyes locked on mine. "I don't need to force you. I know desire, little angel. I can recognise it in its bestest, purest form. You can dress it up and call it what you like. You can hide it from yourself, but you can't hide it from me."

Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Dark

Status: Ongoing


Title: 10/10
Honestly, I quite didn't know what to expect of the story when I first read the title. Is it referring to how Lucifer came to be called a fallen angel? Or does it talk about how a girl was responsible for his fall. Quite interestingly I found that the story was leaning towards both. The feeling of knowing you were even remotely close to discovering a plot so insanely unique is just precious. The title befits the story. It's mysterious, gives the reader something to rake their brain about.

Description/Foreword: 10/10
Would totally give it 29 on 10. Just because it is so intriguing. She OWNED it. Never had I ever clicked on a story that quick. The grammar, punctuation, the phrases, everything is on point. She couldn't have made it more interesting. Absolutely incredible.
No foreword. And I'm definitely not complaining. The description did it to me. As well as the first chapter. At some point during the first chapter, I remember wondering if this was an actual published book. FIRST CHAPTER!
It gives the story a dark, gloomy feeling which was only accentuated further.

Originiality/Creativity/Plot: 10/10Now, I don't know the back story of Lucifer nor have I read about it

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Originiality/Creativity/Plot: 10/10
Now, I don't know the back story of Lucifer nor have I read about it. The only fact I know or seem to know is that he was a fallen angel. (Do correct me if I'm wrong.) Nothing above that. So, I can't tell you if this story was in anyway related to the original Lucifer story. Nonetheless, the creativity is there. There wasn't one point in this story that detached my attention. The whole thing, up until what is written, kept me hooked.
I like how the characters and the story itself for that matter was not static in any sense. I, for one, was expecting a setting where the author would talk about the past or the present. But the writer switches between the two while keeping the balance between them, and the fluidity of it is brilliant to say the least.

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