Once upon a time in a land far far away...
Just kidding!!
A series of some of the stories I've read and appreciate. A story, for me, need not be perfect. No story ever is. Good plot, decent writing and I'm in. Therefore, INTUITION
1K views!? Oh my god! Unbelievable! A bunch of thank yous to all those who chose to read Intuition, regardless of how many chapters you went through. I am not good at these really. So I'll keep it to this. Thank you once again and I hope you people found at least one story to your liking. Suggestions, opinions, critics? I'm open to them. So feel free to comment or PM me anytime you want.
Onto some serious stuff now. I'm not sure how many of you will actually take time to read this. I felt it was only right on my part to address this not just because I was tagged, but because this is of utmost importance. I was tagged by luciferstempest . Thank you so much for this. I think it is a great opportunity for all of us to come together and do our tiniest bit to let the ones that are hurting know that they aren't alone and that we're with them. Look at the pictures for more details.
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We go through so many phases in life. Reaching our highest peak to dipping so low that we're ready to give up. We've all been there. We've all had our lows in life. Some that might be beyond bearable. And for all of you who've hung in there, a big hug for you. Anxiety, depression, self harm, bullying, suicidal feelings. Some people don't seem to realise the extent to which these affect us. Some do not deem it as important as it should be. And there are some who are so ignorant that they label people who go through these as 'freaks','weirdos'. Trust me, I've seen that. Why? Are they really different? Yes! They are different. They are different because they are so much stronger than most of us can ever be for they are trying so hard to overcome this each and every single day. So yes. They are different. The kind of different that has me respecting them. All of us have shortcomings. Nobody is perfect. No one ever will be. Who wants to be perfect anyways? Perfect is boring! Every shortcoming makes one unique. I think that's beautiful. Acknowledging them and building the will power to overcome them, that is beautiful. I am gonna do just that. So today, I affirm I do have anxiety issues. And I'm gonna work on it every day and promise to never give up. To all those beautiful people out there dealing with any of the above mentioned issues, I'm with you. Believe. Believe that this phase is gonna pass. Believe that at the end of a tiring day, there's a new sun that'll rise. Believe that you're stronger than you perceive yourself to be. When life knocks you down, hold your head high, chin up, straighten your invisible tiara, smirk and show life that he cannot and he will not bring you down. I read this Chinese saying somewhere that I really like and I think it fits here perfectly. "No matter what happens, The sun will be rising in the mornings, the sky will still be blue and the clouds white. No matter what happens, The sky wouldn't be crashing down and you wouldn't fall down. No matter what happens, you can still live your life normally, Normally walk on your path. just make sure you have your phone with you at all times and check the battery." I absolutely love this one. So I would be drawing an orange and a light blue lines on my left hand since that's the only thing I'm dealing with at the moment and a pink line on my right hand to support everyone going through all of the above and the project as well.
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