Chapter 13

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I went as far as I could. My back was radiating in pain. I had to stop somewhere. I found a rock to rest on.

My thoughts went back to Steven. He saved me...He freed me. But he's a Crystal Gem, a traitor to Homeworld. I need to find that quartz...What was the quartz though...Smokey?...Rose? Yes, Rose. But would she be with the others. And who was that small gem? It didn't look like a common quartz soldier.

Forget it. If I go back they will imprison me, again.

'Think Lapis,' I thought.

The water around me gave me an idea. I focused all my energy to gather the water. I need this to work. The water around me began to move upward. I stepped into it, pushing myself to the top.


I have no idea how much time has passed. I can see the darkness of space. I can make it...I can finally get off this miserable planet.I can final se-- No!

"You shouldn't be here!" I echoed. "
Why is Steven even here? And he brought those traitors?

"She sensed us,"Garnet yelled.

"Lapis Lazuli! It's me , Steven!" He reasoned.

I shifted the water to form my face. They need to know how serious I am.

"Go away! before I make you."

Steven brought more humans. They have no clue how much danger they are in.

"But we're beach-summer-fun buddies!"

I formed his face and shouted,"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

I formed my face again and explained it to him,"You're one of them. One of the Crystal Gems."

The fusion grabbed the pearl and the unknown gem and said,"Easy."

"What do you mean? We're all Gems, right? Just let us help you." Steven said. He sounded like he wanted to talk. I want to leave. This is getting nowhere.

"You don't understand. Just leave me alone...," I wanted to explain.

Steven still stood his ground, "We're not leaving, Lapis. Not until you give us back our ocean!"

" I said... "I formed a water clone of Steven, and the Steven clone stretches his arm forward to force Steven back," Leave me alone!"

I created water clones of the Crystal gems. I just need to distract them long enough to get to Homeworld.I gave them borderline free will. I can't have my focus split between two tasks. I keep going until I needed a short break. I checked on the fight through the water clone of Steven. They need to give it up.

" Lapis, I don't want to fight anymore.'he said.

You started this, Steven. I had the Water Steven create a ball of water.

Steven repeated himself, "I said,'I DON'T WANNA FIGHT!"

There was a metallic clank and vibration. The sound made me lose focus. All my clones disappeared.

"Lapis,"he stated,"I'm coming up to see you...Please don't drown me."

The fusion and the female human called out to him. Steven stepped into my tower and I created a hand to carry him up to me.When he arrived to the top he gasped for air, while encased in a bubble, and said my name.

"What are you doing here, Steven?"

" What? I - No! What are you doing here? This thing, the ocean, this is crazy! Can't we work this out? We Gems should be friends. Whoa!"
I pulled him towards me. He can see the anger on my face, the pain.

"Don't you know anything, Steven?Your friends, they don't really care about other Gems. All they care about is the Earth. But I never believed in this place...'I trailed off. I was trapped here for so long. I released Steven from the bubble, while looking towards the stars.

"I just want to go home..."I said.I was truly sad. I want to tell him the truth on why, but I couldn't bring myself to. He was so nice to me.

Steven sat down next to me and what he told me was heart-wrenching,"I know how important home can be. But that's why I'm here. You took the ocean away, and the ocean is an important part of my home."

I had no idea that it was. I responded with, "I'm only using the ocean because my gem is cracked. If I just stretch it far enough... This is never going to work."
I was ready to give up.

"I can fix your gem. I have healing powers."

Really? The only other gem that has healing power is...Rose!

I put a confused look on my face and said,"Wait, you have healing powers?"

"I know,right?"

"Oh, what should I .." I said, looking around.

" Oh, uh, sorry. This might be a little weird."


Why would it be weird? I got my answer when I feel something very cold and slimy on my back and gem. A few seconds pass and I can feel the pain leaving my back. He actually healed me!

"Thank you, Steven," I exclaimed.

"No prob, Bob." He said, wiping his hand on his shirt.

Who is Bob,"...It's Lapis."

His response was ,"Yeah."


I flew off into space. I am on my way home.

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