The White Note

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  *~ I just got a request for something a bit more than fluff. I'm sorry if I'm dragging this out but I would like to be able to stick with my plot. I have things like that planned. I'm doing this because I personally like reading a good book, not a fan fiction stuffed full with smut and only smut. But worry not, things will get interesting soon.~*

P.O.V. Naruto

I groaned a bit when the light seeping through the window fell upon my eyes. I tried to roll over but something was stopping me. My head turned to my side, almost hitting Sasuke's head with my own. A pang of realization hit my body. I looked down at my chest to find a pair of porcelain white arms wrapped around it. I giggled a bit and turned back to face Sasuke again. His face was still and looked like it was shining in the sunlight. After giggling, I lifted my hand up to his forehead and tapped it with two fingers.

A low groan sounded from his chest as he opened his eyes. Those orbs were now pointed to me as our eyes meet. The groan was now a deep purring. He pulled his hand up behind my head and pushed me towards the crook in his neck. My eyes widened in shock at the sudden movement. I could feel the vibrations from his throat as he continued purring.

We sat like that for a few minutes before I pushed him away. He mumbled under his breath, obviously upset that he was no longer snuggled against me. I chuckled lightly and got out of the bed. As I stretched my limbs I noticed that I was still wearing the clothes from yesterday. I shrugged off the thought, figuring I had fallen asleep the second we got home.

The bed squeaked a bit as Sasuke pulled himself out of the covers and off the bed. He, however, was not in the clothes from yesterday. Instead he was wearing a pair of boxers decorated with shuriken. I blushed a little... a lot at... the sight before me. I spun around quickly, hoping he didn't notice my beet read cheeks.

Sasuke let out a deep laugh, "See something you like?" Scratch that, my entire face was bright like an apple. I stood their sweating bullets until I nearly jumped out of the socks on my feet. Sasuke had walked up behind me with his bare chest flush with my back. I let out a loud squeak and scrambled to the other side the room. Sasuke burst into a fit of laughter and the occasional snort.

I grumbled a bit and stomped out of the room. Sasuke followed behind me, leaving a wake of giggles. I made my way into his kitchen and shuffled through his cupboards. I found what I was looking for and walked to his couch. Sitting down, I grabbed the box of cereal and the remote, flicking through channels and ripping the box open. I found a random animated show and leaned back into the cushions. I forced my hand inside the cereal box and brought out a handful of Cheerios. I glared over at Sasuke and shoved the honey flavored circles into my mouth. I turned back to the TV and continued my loud and obnoxious munching.

Sasuke sighed and sat down beside me, ripping the box op Cheerios out of my hands. I growled at him, his response being a simple chuckle. He took a handful of cereal and placed the box between us. I humphed and crossed my arms over my chest, sending a death glare at the TV.

After sitting for what felt like hours. Sasuke stood up and walked off, taking the Cheerios with him. No no. You aren't taking my food away. I sped after him, charging after the cereal in his hands. But before I could reach him, he threw the box away. I dived for the falling box, but wasn't near close enough. I, instead, fell face first into the tile. A loud, frustrated scream echoed through the big, empty house. My nose was scrunched between my head and the floor. My limbs went limp as a strong groan nearly shook the foundation.

Sasuke snorted, but bent down and stretched his hand out towards me. I scoffed and turned my body away from him.

"Wow. I was just trying to help" he said, raising his hands above his head. His eyes flicked down at me and I could barely hear him snicker. In one quick movement, his hands had darted out and taken hold of my legs. With a low grunt, he started dragging me across the tiles. Then the transition to hard floor to carpeting forced out another grunt. i didn't move, refusing to get up.

After the struggle of the almighty carpet, Sasuke reached down and lifted my dangling body. He then wobbled up the staircase, clearly putting forth a large amount of effort not to drop the added weight. Each step up was slow and cautious. His legs were visibly shaking. Sasuke was panting heavily by the time we reached the top of the stairs. After trying to catch his breath, he lugged me to his room. He chucked me at his bed, the springs whining under the suddenly added mass. My legs and arms lay crumpled over each other, but i still refused to move.

The room went silent. I couldn't sound of Sasuke's labored breathing. Nor did I hear the scuffling of his feet across the floor. I furrowed my eyebrows and searched the portion of the room that I could see. Nothing. I didn;t see a figure or a shadow. Not even movement. The room was still and quiet. I started to panic, frantically looking around. I pushed off the bed and looked at the part of the room I couldn't see before. Sasuke stood their, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

I sat there, looking at him and wondering what he had planned. Before I could decipher the situation entirely, he had pulled his arm back. In his hand sat a bundle of fabric. A split second later, Sasuke sent the material hurdling towards me. The malformed ball slammed into my head, sending me reeling back onto the bed.

"OOF!" The noise was pushed out of my mouth as my back hit the side of the bed, gravity pulling me down onto the ground. The sound of Sasuke chortling could be heard breaking the silence from before. I grumbled and grabbed the clothe that had landed on my stomach. Shuffling towards his bathroom, I yanked off 'my' shirt (one of his) and tossed in the sink. Then, I pulled on my clothes from when I had first arrived at his house.

With a heavy sigh, I walked out of the bathroom and headed down the hall. I threw the crumpled clothes in to Sasuke's room and scrambled down the stairs. Placing my hand on the front door handle, I turned and screamed into the house.


I could here a loud thump from upstairs. Sasuke came flying recklessly down the stairs. He hurled himself at me with an attack hug. I laughed and patted his back.

"See ya" I said.

"Yup" was his reply.

The walk home was uneventful, but something about it was wrong. The air was cold and heavy. No wind blew through the trees. The only sounds were my feet on the pavement and my breathing. I shoved my hands deep into my sweatshirt's pocket, picking up my pace in the process.

When I reached my dingy apartment, I raced to the door, yanking my keys out of my pocket and forcing into the key hole. The door rattled a bit when I forced the door open. Only to have it rattle more when I slammed it shut. A long sigh of relief forced my chest to shudder. My body slumped down into a droopy position.

I shuffled into my room and crashed onto my old creaky mattress. My eyes remained shut for a while, until images of the nightmare flicked through my head. The hands reaching towards me.

I gasped out, my eyes shooting open and my arms surrounding my neck. I frantically glanced around the room, taking in all the surroundings. Including a white piece of paper on the far side of my room. It was hung beside my closet with a small pin. I squinted at it, wondering how it could have been there. I slowly inched towards it, cautious of my room and the world outside of it. I reached out and yanked it down from the wall.

My eyes widened in shock, heart thumping hard enough to burst of my chest.

Written on the letter in clean, black ink were the words, 'I found you, Little Fox'

*~You know how I said I wouldn't make cliff-hangers? Never mind~*  

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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