Chapter 9 - Derrick

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With Adelia surprisingly out cold, Derrick took the rest of the day to himself to fiddle with the photo that Athena gave him. It was in rough shape but he will try nonetheless so that he doesn't feel like a total douche when he tells her that he can't make anything of it. Picking up both his laptop and tablet, he connected them to each other and scanned the picture onto his computer so the file can be transferred accordingly. Pulling it up on the tablet screen, he pasted it unto a blank canvass and faded it to the right shade before picking up his stylus and redrawing the most distinctive lines he could see minus the heavy creases.

Each stroke sent him back in to a part of his life when colour, definition, dimension and tone ran through his veins; a blank piece of pristine white parchment presented itself to him to be bled upon and pens, pencils and brushes for linear and curved lines creating pathways that the blood have no choice but to follow. How peaceful those years have been for him, when his only concern was restocking his art studio because of dwindling supplies.

Once he was finished copying, he discarded the layer the photo was on and was left with the haggard lines of what could be salvaged from it. There's not much to connect as the creases obstructed many of the connected lines but he can do it nonetheless. Taking a deep breath, he cleared his mind and let the stylus flow on the screen as if he was creating a masterpiece. Stroke here, curve there, shading added and stippling defined; before he knew it, three hours had passed and he was only one-quarter way into the background. A-type personality can be crippling sometimes. Thinking it is time to check up on Ali, he saved everything and set the devices down before locking the room. When he got back to the living area, she was watching TV with a large bag of chips on one side, her teddy bear on the other and her blanket and remote laid nicely across her lap. Derrick smirked. This child must really think she lives here...

"Sleep well uncle Derrick?"

"Like a baby."

"Want some chips?"

"Thank you." He sat next to her and dug his hand into the bag, "tell me about Mummy. What's she like?"

"Looks just like auntie Thee. Always smiling but she doesn't play too much."


"Yeah, she works a lot. Comes home late and is barely there when I wake up but I understand."

"Understand what?"

"We need to survive."

"I see."

Deciding not to question her anymore, he changed the topic. "Where is your aunt? It's after four. She doesn't normally take long to shop."

"I dunno. I'm with you aren't I?"

Smartass, Derrick thought but laughed nonetheless. "I'll call her; see what's going on." He patted her thigh before searching for his cellphone. The day after their deal in taking care of Ali, she exchanged numbers with him strictly with the purpose of keeping up with Ali's well-being. And so far, he's been holding true to his word no matter how bad he wants to hear her sleep-induced voice that he imagines is the secret ingredient to mind-blowing sex. But that's not important right now, getting Athena's whereabouts is. He dialed and it rung for a while but ended with the answering machine. He tried again but still no answer; no he's worried. Giving it a go one final time, he redialled.

"You've reached the mailbox of 'Athena Dalso'. To record you message press-"

Derrick ended it and rushed back to the living room. "Ali, you're like the model child but I still have to lay out some rules: stay in this apartment and don't leave, don't open the door for anybody and if you hear anything, hide as quickly and as quietly as you can." He grabbed his coat and keys by the door, "I'm going to be out for a while."

"Uncle Derrick?"

"Yes Hun?"

"Bring back auntie Thee please? I'm going to miss her."

"Count on it because I'll miss her too."


Adelia hummed along with the SpongeBob Squarepants theme song when she heard a muffled banging against something. It wasn't against Derrick's walls or door so she was safe that way but it sounds as if it was on the same floor as her. Grabbing a kitchen stool, she slowly dragged it to the door and climbed on top so she can look into the peephole. She looked and saw seven men: one was tampering with the lock to Athena's door, another was supervising, and the rest were lookout. Ali watched closely scooting the stool closer as if she was trying to squeeze her eye through the peephole. for her actions, she was rewarded with the coat stand falling over alerting the guys to be cautious. What caught her off-guard was an eye staring directly into the peephole shocking her off the stool and unto the floor. If she was being rewarded points, she'd get nothing for style and grace.

Grabbing her bear and blanket, she made a mad dash for the bathroom as the banging began on Derrick's door. Hopefully, she doesn't get caught. she promised her mother.


I'll write for you soon _(:3」∠)_


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