Chapter 13

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They have fallen back into their normal routine: her completely oblivious to his existence at work. But lately she has been quite moody and he couldn't fathom why. None of his gifts seem to make her smile anymore which is beginning to grate on him.  The few times he's managed to sneak a look at her when seeing her presents, she just frowns, opens the bottom file cabinet behind of her and just throws them in there without even a second thought. He started going through the list in his head of what could possibly have Athena in bitch mode which is currently not sitting well with his subconscious. It can't be food because she went shopping yesterday; her menstrual cycle ended two days before that, and no one has skull-raped her professionalism for two weeks so far because she has been doing well.

She's pissing him off.

He looked at her again, and saw that she was getting up with a stack of files in her arms. She skirted the corner of her desk knocking over another set of paperwork that she probably was currently working on. She huffed before juggling the stack in one arms and scooting low to pick up the file that fell. Once successful in grabbing it, her grace in standing up fell to the dogs: she hit the back of her head on the same corner the file fell from, hard, forcing her to check the now tender spot by dropping the other files. Her lips moved with a grumble as she rubbed at her head.

Not good, not good, not good...

I don't like the way she's behaving

It can't be her fault

Nothing is ever her fault with you

Something must be bothering her

And what are you gonna do? Pat her on the back and tell her everything's all right?

He knows he can't go over there, it's not time. I'll send her an email... Each employee had a company email and anyone within can message you on anything business related. He decided to take the chance. Opening his account, he perused until he found her name and quickly sent her email. Hr looked over just as she righted herself and the files to look over to her screen signalling that his email went through. However, all she did was squint at the screen, waved her hand flippantly and walked away.

That fucking bitch! And now, he agrees. Here he was showing concern over her wellbeing and she flipped him off like an errant piece of lint landing on her well pressed attire marring its beauty.

What should we do?

Give her hell.


The steady beeping of Tilly's heart monitor oddly soothed his mind. He sat at the foot of the bed as he watched the rise and fall of her chest. Ever since asking up in this bed, Tilly never lets anyone other than his sister and doctor Marino to come in to this room. He tried to call bullshit on her demand of only seeing those two so when he entered and she saw him, she started ripping out the wires and drips imbedded into her skin and forcing herself out of bed just to attack him. It forced him to not only call his boys but Marino who had just left the compound after checking in on her. She ended up having to be doped up just to get the proper amount of rest she needs. The woman is insufferable when she wants to be.

He got up and set his hands firmly clasped behind his back as he stepped to the side of her bed. Even looking like a beat up potato, she was still beautiful to him. He ran his knuckles along the length of her cheek liking the feel of her skin on his again but through her haziness she managed to grumble something:

"You bastard..."

Could that be for him? He wonders... It's more than likely. He thought of their child. He wonders if she's just like Tilly. If she is, the poor son of a bitch who falls for her is going to pay just like he is. Just as he was about to smile at the thought, his phone buzzed in his suit pocket. He took it out to read the notification: Stay away from her, it started out then at the bottom of the screen was an attached file. He opened it, and big and bright-eyed was Athena's picture.

Looks like her lapdog has come out to play.


A/N: Short, I know. *cries in corner at the monstrosity*

I'll write for you soon


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