t w o

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enjoy, girlies;)

Trainwreck, by Banks.

"When I'd come through,
You were dark blue,
And I saved you,
From your darker days."


t w o // h a z y

    Nightingale Nightclub stood out like a sore thumb at the Harbors, faint rhythmic noise flowing past my ears.

    It was a weird spot to build a nightclub, right there by the beach and ocean, but nevertheless someone had done it. The wind was filled with salty ocean air. It was cold, prompting for goosebumps to pop up and say hello. I wrapped Aedan's coat tighter around me, hoping it would take the brunt of it.

    Of course, it didn't help that I had on a mid-thigh bodycon dress hugging my almost nonexistent curves and tall, lanky build. The pitch black fabric danced as I walked, standing out against my pasty skin.

    My short platinum blonde hair looked translucent under the midnight sky, with my gray eyes alight.

    I had switched out my usual black biker shoes for a pair of black pumps, and I could already tell this wasn't going to be a good night with the way that my feet were starting to hurt. As expected, I didn't normally wear high heels and when I did it was for some sort of event.

    I tried to keep in check my penguin tendencies when I wore them.

    Aedan walked calmly beside me, blonde hair fluffed and blue eyes bright. His body was fit in a gray suit(without his jacket, since he gave it to me out of sympathy) with a black button-up top and no tie style. Aedan usually attracted a lot of female attention, and that could often be a liability when we were doing a job.

    Afterall, it would be rather difficult if we were put in a position where men were shooting at us, and Aedan had a sobbing grown-ass woman clinging to his arm.

    "Are you sure Finn's correct about Russo's meeting place?" I asked him, reaching up a hand and swiping irritably at a loose blonde hair in my vision.

    "Yeah, he sounded like it," Aedan mumbled, frowning afterwards. "But Russo isn't actually going to be meeting with anyone. It's just his lackeys."

    "So is this a kidnapping gig, or what?"

    "Finn said to just lay low and listen if we want to avoid a bloodbath," he said. "It would be their blood, of course."

   I made a discontented noise and turned towards the bouncer that currently stood, keeping out the line of people. I tugged on my lip ring on habit. There was a fair amount of people, both teeny-bops and grown. Instead of heading towards the back, Aedan and I just went straight up to the bouncer, a couple of groans and boo's as we did so.

    "We're with Russo." Aedan said, quiet enough to only reach the bouncer and I's.

    The bouncer gave us a grave nod before ushering us in.

     Nightingale was filled with sweaty bodies, and the smell of smoke and hard liquor. Typical club standards. Blinding lights flashed patterns and shapes across the floor and walls of the nightclub, giving me a headache just watching. I didn't like going to places that had hoards of people, despite that hard-partying girl aura that I supposedly carried.

    "The meeting is supposed to be at twelve, so we've got an hour before they even start showing up." Aedan leaned towards my ear and whispered.

    "What do you want to do till then?"

    "Just hang around. Scout the place," he says as his blue eyes wonder over the nightclub, slightly lingering on the dancing ladies not to far away from us. "Go ahead and take a couple of shots, heavyweight."

    Ignoring the twitch of a smile at his comment towards my liquor-holding abilities, I shrugged off his gray coat and shoved it towards him.

    "Go get laid. I'll just go get drunk." I say.

    "Best idea you've had all week, girlie." his response makes me roll my eyes and leave him to his own devices.

    As I weave through the dancing crowd of bodies, my nose scrunches at the stench of sweat. Elbows and hips knock into me as I make my way towards the bar, and by the time I make it onto a bar stool I'm sweaty and irritated. And I'm not entirely sure the sweat is all mine.

    Nightingale's humid. Another reason that I don't like nightclubs.

    Mentally waving away my sulky reverie, I call over the bartender. I order some sort of fruity-sounding alcoholic drink, and turn towards the crowds. I know it's better to always arrive earlier than the actual set time, but that fact does nothing to deter the looming bored cloud gathering above my head.

    As fast as I asked for it, the bartender slides the sunrise-colored liquid towards me, sending a flirty wink before zipping back to attend the other drunkards that decided to come out tonight. I gently pick it up, before taking out the umbrella and taking a sip.

    The taste of oranges flood and invade my tongue, the alcohol deeply rooted. I enjoy it. My eyes wonder unconsciously before landing on Aedan, whose body is currently cozying up to one of the young ladies we saw earlier. A scoff works its way up. He's serenading on the job.

    Despite my disapproving feelings, I know I'm a hypocrite. I'm drinking a foreign alcoholic drink.

   When thirty minutes have passed and I feel slightly buzzed(mind you, i'm on my third drink since I sat here) from the alcohol flowing through my system and senses, I can't spot Aedan anymore. He and the brunette are both gone.

    I wouldn't say I'm drunk, but a few things are a bit hazy. I curse under my breath, realizing two drinks too late that I shouldn't have drank that much no matter how high my liquor-holding abilities were.

    My slightly drunk self decides that dancing would do the trick to maybe liven me a little. Setting down the empty translucent cup next to the other two and slapping some money down onto the counter, I get up from my bar stool.

    I weave through the dancing bodies till I feel like I have enough room to move to the beat. The pounding music in the nightclub is a bit hazy, but I can make out a good beat. I soon start swaying my hips to it, trying to find the right rhythm. Lifting my arms up so they're above my head, my dancing improves.

    My heart beats in sync with the music, the noise loud in my ears. The sense of nostalgia threatens to overwhelm me, attempting to take me back to my past reckless self. Though still reckless, I'm not nearly as brave as I was back then.

    Unlike Aedan, I'm not blessed with the ability to feel someone's suspicious gaze on me.

    So I didn't notice it.


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