Apologies (Updated)

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Cassie waited until the pain was tolerable enough to go on. Then, wasting no more time, and she decided she would go to Stampy's first.

As she walked, she looked around and noticed her surroundings. It was.. prettier than she remembered it being yesterday.. Its a trick isn't it? Maybe... not... it really was beautiful... she never gave it any attention until now, just wanting to leave. Her body was making her have to stop and take it all in every so often, and she... felt... jealous... of how perfect everything around her was. The plants were untouched by problems like what cursed Cassie.
Back to walking. Did she really know where she was going? Damn it... She would just go to the town and see what happens next.
After a while of pushing through, unwilling to sit down and watch the earth mock her again, she couldn't take it anymore, the pain was worse. She sat down in a shaded area that, oddly enough, was close to a portal. She sat there with her face in her hands, taking deep breaths when suddenly she heard the whoosh of the portal activating. She jumped, instinctively reaching for her ax. Three figures were coming into view.. The three people stepped out.



and Dan

Well, I guess that's convenient.

They seemed to have been talking about something funny, because they were laughing when they stepped out, but that happiness was short lived. They immediatly saw her, and froze. The happiness on their faces quickly faded into fear and anger. Except Stampy. His face was fear and confusion.

"You..." Stacy growled in disbelief.
Cassie clutched her ax tightly, shaken up, her hair covering her face right where her wound was. She stepped back a bit, noticing the look of fury in Stacy's eyes. Stacy was like an angry wolf and Cassie just stood there, looking at them like a startled puppy. "YOU!" Stacy shouted. She unsheathed her sword and charged towards Cassie Rose. "WAIT!!!!" she screamed as Stacy ran towards her. Stacy stopped in her tracks. "I......I...." she stuttered. "You what?" Dan stared at her. "I have..something I want to say.." she whispered. "I don't want trouble, I.." she fumbled with her words,
"Out with it before I slit your throat!" Stacy hissed
"I'm sorry.. I... I.." She paused, the realization finally setting in, as she could see the passionate anger in Stacy's face. "I made some... bad decisions.."
"That's putting it WAY too lightly."
"I..I know... but.. I didn't want things to end this way..." that's a lie... well sort of... she certainly didn't want the curse to be a result of what happened. "I'm sorry for killing your friends."

Stacy rolled her eyes. "I don't believe you. You expect us to forgive you for KILLING our friends, just with a simple apology, that probably isn't sincere anyway!" Stacy was infuriated, but she wasn't entirely wrong. Cassie didn't fully regret what she had done.. not yet.
Stacy raised her sword again and swung at Cassie, who quickly dodged, but not before getting a cut in the arm. She yelped and fell to the ground. More pain. Great. Stacy started to raise her sword again. "This is for killing our-" she was interupted. Stampy grabbed her arm. "Stacy wait." he cried. "Don't stoop to her level... Besides what if.......what if she is being sincere." Dan and Stacy looked at him, confused. "Have you lost your mind?" Stacy laughed, annoyed. "I agree, have you?" Dan added. "No I'm serious." Stampy mumbled annoyed. Stampy walked over to her. "Cassie Rose. Is what you're saying true? Do you truly feel regret for lying and murdering?"

"Y...yes" she said through gritted teeth. Her arm was in terrible pain, the slamming onto the ground didn't help either. Stampy looked stared at her for a moment. "I don't completely forgive you....yet...but I believe you." he said. He reached his hand out to her offering to help her up. She looked up at him, then his hand, not particularly willing to trust. Obviously it was rude of her to leave him standing there though, and she didn't want to make things worse, so reluctantly she took hold of his hand. He started to help her up, but her hair brushed out of her face, and when he saw her face, let me tell you, it was quite the reaction. He gasped, and accidently dropped her back on the ground. She yelped, and cringed in pain. Tears started to form in her eye. "S-sorry" Stampy whispered, as he helped her sit up."W-what happened to your face..." Dan stuttered. She was still taking deep breaths trying to let the pain die down a bit. When it finally did, she took one more deep breath and opened her eye and looked back at them. "I-it's a long story...." she mumbled. Dan and Stacy exchanged looks. She obviously couldn't tell them she was being punished for murder, or they'd think she was only apologize for her own benefit, but she wasn't
Well she was sort of...
Stampy noticed the roses. "Your.....your eye! It.... we need to get you to a hospital! This is bad!" He cried, worried. "What?" Dan yelped "No we don't! She can just stay here or go to the hospital herself, why should we care because of what she has done!" Stacy yelled angrily. Stampy gave them a mad look, and helped her up. "We can't just leave her. She's obviously in too much pain to walk as you can hear heavy breathing. Whether we trust her, or forgive, or don't, we should still help her. So whether you like it or not that's what we're doing." Stampy narrowed his eyes at them, them continued to help her so that she could walk. "When did you get named leader..." Stacy mumbled.
"When I became the one with better judgement." Stampy retaliated.

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