XXXV. A Bit Uptight

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Connie strolled slowly toward the briefing area where Phil had informed her Skye was waiting. She had been told Skye was the hacker of the team and worked brilliantly with computers and other electronics, more-so than Natasha was, apparently. Skye's job was to help assist Connie in finding out potential Hydra facilities around the world that Ward could have taken Bucky, though Skye didn't know that as of yet. All she knew was that she was helping locate Hydra facilities across the globe, and it was Connie's job to explain why.

Connie soon approached the door to the briefing room and punched in the code she had been given, making her way inside once the door was unlocked. Skye was inside typing away on the ever-so-advanced computer Phil had ordered for the Bus, but she looked up from her station the moment she took notice of Connie's presence.

"Agent Jones," Skye smiled and stepped towards her, holding a hand out for her to shake. She'd been so excited for the chance to finally speak with her since she'd shown up on the plane the previous day. "We didn't get to be properly introduced yesterday. I'm Skye."

Connie grabbed her hand politely and shook it, feeling a slight aura of comfort around the young girl. "It's very nice to meet you, Skye."

Skye then stepped away from her and headed back to her station. "Coulson instructed me to see if I could locate any potential Hydra facilities, and he told me that you would be the one to explain exactly why I'm doing this."

"Your buddy Grant," Connie said as she moved to stand beside the brunette. "He and some of his men infiltrated my safe-house in Bucharest, Romania and recaptured a former Hydra agent I had been working on helping. It's safe to say that I need to get him back."

"Is this former Hydra agent dangerous?" Skye asked as she tried to steer far from the topic of Grant, though she doubted she'd be able to. She was still tore up from his betrayal, not to mention furious because of it, so she was willing to do whatever it took in order to help Connie find him.

Connie let out a breath and looked over at a disgruntled Skye. "No, but if we don't get him back he will be."

"I'm sorry that Ward is responsible for this," Skye apologized to Connie.

"I am, too. I've always thought Ward was a good kid, not to mention a good and loyal S.H.I.E.L.D. agent," Connie muttered as she, too, continued typing away on one of the computers.

Skye watched her work rather intently, wondering what her intentions were; as she was currently witnessing, the two of them had more in common than Phil had originally let on. "He had us all fooled, especially me."

"Was he your boyfriend or something?" Connie asked as she glanced over at Skye.

"Something like that," Skye muttered.

"You deserve better."

"Thank you," Skye chuckled, her eyes scanning over the code Connie had typed into the computer. "What exactly are you doing?"

"My agent said something to me before they took him. I think it was something of reassurance that I very unfortunately waited until now to pay mind to," Connie explained to her as she pulled up a map of Russia. "He said they couldn't take him far or anywhere that he didn't know how to take care of himself. My theory is that they're taking him to a base in Russia; the bases in Russia are the only ones I can think about that provide them with the proper Hydra technology needed to turn him back into the loyal agent he used to be."

Skye's brow furrowed in confusion. "Proper Hydra technology? What do you mean by that? Hydra is advancing far beyond anything we've seen at the moment. I feel as if they should already have the technology needed to make him into what they want."

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