XXXII. This Oughta Be Fun

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Agent Ward sat quietly in the dark room, one of Skye's tablets lit up in front of his face. He had taken it from The Bus just shortly before the S.H.I.E.L.D. uprising and replaced it with another one that was fully synced with the one he now had. It would take a while for her to figure it out, though Ward knew it was only a matter of time; Skye was smart.

At the moment he was sifting through the copious amount of encrypted files on the tablet trying to find out any information he didn't already know about the team and their intentions from his time spent with them. He worked diligently on trying to find what he was looking for, but as he swiped through the files, his train of thought was halted.

Ward's brows furrowed in confusion as he took notice of the single "safe-house" file folder. Normally, any information regarding the safe-houses and their occupants were kept at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters among those who held clearance to the information. Phil held clearance, of course, so Ward assumed that since it was just the single folder, the occupant of the particular safe-house was close to him in a personal manner.

Ward quickly began working on decrypting the file, and once he had, he was met with a wave of shock. He hadn't been expecting the information inside the file at all, but now that he knew it, he could definitely use it to his and even Garrett's advantage. Connie Jones—one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s finest agents next to Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff—was hiding out in Romania, but what intrigued Ward was that she wasn't alone. She was housing one of Hydra's most lethal weapons, and he was intent on doing whatever it took in order to get him back. All he needed to do was figure out a way to get past Connie, which would be the difficult part of the mission.

The Winter Soldier would not only serve as a crucial aspect to Ward's and Garrett's cause, but he could also prove to be a very handy bodyguard if it came down to it. If Ward could remember correctly, the Winter Soldier was controlled by Hydra, and if he could figure out a way to control the soldier, they would be in business.

After gathering the information he needed, Ward pushed himself from his spot and headed towards Garrett's room. It was nearing three in the morning, so of course he and the rest of the men were sleeping, but Ward didn't care; he didn't have time to wait to deliver the news.

"Garrett, wake up," Ward demanded.

Garrett groaned in response to Ward's words and sat up, his eyes narrowed as he stared up at the man. "What the hell do you want? It's three in the damn morning."

"I have a plan."

"What kind of plan?"

"The kind of plan that includes the two of us and the rest of our men to retrieve one of Hydra's greatest weapons," Ward said with a smirk on his face.

Garrett scratched the top of his head in confusion. "I'm sorry, but who?"

"Are you familiar with the Winter Soldier?"


"Well, let's just say I know where to find him," Grant told him.

Garret cocked a brow. "Didn't he flee after the helicarrier incident?"

Ward nodded and sat down beside him on his worn mattress. "And I just so happen to know where he fled to thanks to Coulson's need to keep the people he cares about safe. He's hiding out with one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s finest."

"You're either gonna say Rogers or Jones, so which one is it?"


"And where do we find Miss Jones at?"

Ward smirked again and placed a hand onto Garrett's shoulder. "Ever been to Bucharest, Garrett?"

"Well, this oughta be fun."

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