Hot Dogs

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Chapter 4

          I sat in the office alone, watching the window. It was lunch time and people were passing on their way to either their offices or McDonald’s. Tyra had gone out to lunch with her boyfriend a long time ago, making me feel lonelier. My attempt to talk to Kendra had ended horribly, the only thing she didn’t do was hit me. I fought the tears back from my eyes, not wanting to think about it.

            Kendra had literally come at my neck and demeaned everything I know and loved.

            Then she told me that I wasn’t shit, which was why she hid me.

            After that she asked me why I was crying, which wouldn’t be hard to understand.

            There were times where she reminded me of Darrel, which made me want to back away. But as soon as I started backing away, Kendra was there reeling me back in. I had to admit, I did love her but sometimes she was too hurtful for her own good. The nice Kendra I had fell in love with was slowly slipping away. I sighed and wiped my eyes, hoping the make-up I had plastered on would cover up the fact that I was crying. I didn’t want to be alone and yet, everybody had left me. Sniffling, I grabbed a tissue from inside my desk, mentally preparing myself for the waterworks.

            “Elisa!” I heard Sean call, making me snap out of my loathing. It would be horrible for him to see me this way. When he appeared in the doorway, he smiled at me. “Hey Ora.” I tried my best to smile at him, but it quickly went away.

            “Are you looking for Elisa?” I asked, pulling my phone from my pocket. My heart hoped and prayed that Kendra would text me, call me, do something to show remorse. Sighing, I set the phone down on the table.

            “Yeah, I came to tell her I finished my photo shoot,” he explained, walking towards my desk. Since spring was coming up, the weather was starting to get nicer which meant more outside photo shoots. That was until Mother Nature became bi-polar again. “Are you okay?” He squatted down in front of my desk, searching my face for an answer.

            “I’m fine,” I answered, looking away from him. Hiding distress from your colleagues was not easy, but my intuition told me that I’d be doing it a lot from now on.

            “Well, wanna join me on a walk?” I looked at him, trying to find the motive in his face.

            “Why?” I asked, before I even knew what I asked. He chuckled.

            “I just didn’t want you to be alone, but the way you’re-“

            “No, I’d love to.” I rose from my chair, dusting off my outfit.

            “I didn’t think you wanted to be cooped up in this office.” I stepped from behind the desk and smiled. Sean and I had made feeble attempts to get to know each other, but as Elisa said I kept it professional. I was able to determine that Sean wanted more out of me, but there was nothing I was willing to give. There was too much hanging on it, my relationship for one and then my job. The other offset was the fact that I was a lesbian, which nobody at the office knew but me. “How about I buy you lunch?”

            “I am kind of hungry,” I said, rubbing my tummy as we stepped out of the building. A cool wind whipped past me, making me smile. “It’s really nice out here today.”

            “It is.” Sean stepped out and I locked the door behind him. I didn’t want anyone walking in, but then again what would they take pictures? Sean beckoned me on and we started our walk.

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