Chapter One

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I pushed my hair behind my ear, curling over on my seat and trying not to look weird as I eyed the room around me, trying to get the image of my dead mother out of my head. Now my brother, Ryan's face took its place. Shivering, I pulled my knees to my chest resting my head on the window to try and fall asleep.

I was running away from my father, but where was I headed? Where would I stay after this? I had no idea, but I knew I had to try my best to get away from him, and from everything else, everyone else that was following me. What if he tells the police what happened, what if they come after me? I couldn't risk that.

The train doors opened wide, letting more people in as it came to a halt. I was once again met with a new train station, in a new country but I still hesitated to get off the train. I wanted to stay here till I felt like I found the right place to be, or at least wait till it reaches the last stop, so I would have had enough of the warmth the train had given me. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't here for long. Only since late last night, I ran away from my fathers grasp at the literal crack of ass and climbed onto a train heading north. Leaving Cardiff, and everyone there. Letting go of my own life, from the fear of being trapped in the past forever. I had to start over, it was time for me to. It was time for me to move on with my life because the truth, that I didn't want to admit to myself till now, is that my mum will never come back. She's gone, I lost her forever, and now I had lost Ryan too.

I bit my lip, to stop myself from crying, curling over my seat and closing my eyes. I put my feet over the seat next to mine, since no one seemed to want to sit next to me, counting the seconds before my eyes fell heavy and I fell asleep.


When I opened my eyes, there was a man standing over me with a smile and deep green eyes "Is that seat taken?" he asked.

I shock my head, sitting up straight. He took the seat next to mine, giving me more time to see him properly. Over the sun streaming from the trains wide windows I could see a wave of sandy yellow hair on his head, his eyes were crinkled up and small and he had a little nose ,crooked, with a slight bump.

"Hey, I'm Robin." He said, his breath wrecking of boos.

I offered a small smile, since I wasn't really in the mood to talk before turning my head to look through the window and out at the passing trees.

"What's your name?" he asked, after I had failed to answer.

I bit my lip, my voice coming out small "Abby."

"Abby an in Abigail?"

"Abby as in Abby." I said, "Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom." I scooted out in front of him, heading to the bathroom, when I felt his hands reach out to my wrist holding me in place.

"Why are you leaving so fast?" he asked.

I gulped, looking around me to see if anyone was paying attention to what was going on "I'm not leaving, I'm just going to the bathroom."

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asked, a grin reaching his lips.

"W-what?" I asked, confused.

"Should I walk you there."

"No." I said, my voice stern, as I took my wrist back from him.

The security guard passed by us, stopping at our seat "Is something wrong?"

I shock my head, not wanting to cause drama "No, everything is just perfect."

"I was just asking, my girlfriend, Abby over here if she'd like to show me to the bathroom, but it seems she doesn't really know where it is."

"Oh, it's just down the hall, through that little black door over there." the man pointed.

"Did you hear that Abby?" Robin smiled "It's at the end of the hall."

"Yeah," I gritted my teeth "I heard." and without waiting for his response, I ran over through the black door and down the hall where I spotted the bathroom. I could hear Robin running after me, but I knew I would make it in time to get into the bathroom and lock myself up there.

But to my disappointment, the door was locked, some one was already in there "Shit," I cursed.

Robin came running after me, a smile on his face "Some ones inside, isn't that right?"

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes walking towards the exit again, only Robin pushed me back into the wall "Running away so fast, I don't think so pretty girl."

He curled my hair in his hands, gazing into my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked, in horror. He laughed silently, leaning in to kiss my lips. I tried to squirm away, only I couldn't "Get off me." I yelled, pushing at his chest, he tightened his grasp around my wrists now, pushing at me even harder than he had before.

"I said get off me." I yelled again, he held onto my waist trying to fumble with my shirt. I pushed at him,  then slapped him. He looked angered with my actions, quickly pushing me harder against the wall, and giving his foot a swinging shot to my stomach "Whatd you do that for?" he asked.

"Because your a lousy cunt." I spat, he seemed to get angrier pulling me from my shirt collar "What did you say?"

"That you are a lousy cunt." I repeated. He pushed me against the wall so hard I could feel my body shake, before his hand flew to my legs opening them in onto his waist.

I was terrified, pushing down at my skirt, when he reached into it pulling my lace tights down.

"No." I yelled, he laughed, reaching his fingers into my panties and slipping them down to my ankles.

"Stop please." I yelled, only he didn't stop, he curled two fingers like hocks jamming them into my core.

"Fuck" I yelled, "help."

That made Robin laugh, with his fingers still pumping in and out of me, he leaned in kissing my neck.

"Stop it please!" he didn't stop, he wouldn't stop. That's when the bathroom door flew open "Let go of her!" some one yelled, that instant some one jumped over Robin, knocking both me and him down to the ground. He reached his fist to hit robin in the face, only Robin shrieked, scrambling

to his knees and running away.

The stranger crouched over next to me "Are you okay?" he asked, his golden eyes starring into mine. I shifted away, as his hand hovered over my head.

"It's okay, I wont hurt you." his voice was smooth and soft, and I liked it. I liked him.

Yay! So what did you think? Comment and vote maybe, and tell me what you thought about all this! Shout out to my sister for giving me the courage to post this story!

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