Chapter 2

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When I woke up again, I was in a small crocked bed. I looked around me terrified "hey." some one said "You're awake" he was the stranger on the train, the one that helped me.

"Where am I?" I asked scared.

He smiled at me "Don't worry, were still on the train. This is my room, I'm  a V.I.P." he explained.

"Oh." was all I could think of.

"I got you some clothes because I couldn't really find your suit case, just your bag." he said handing me my bag and his clothes

"Thank you." I smiled weakly. he nodded his head, then got out of the room. I hurried out of my disgusting clothes, fitting into his shirt, and a pair of his basketball shorts. I hadn't brought  a suit case with me because I didn't have time to, all I had with me now was my hand bag, my dirty clothes and what the stranger had given me to wear.

Minutes later, he was back into the room with a tray in his hand "Here," he said "the train is stuck here for the night, it might be a while before it starts moving again."

"How long?" I asked.

"About 2 days." he bit his lip, worried.

"Oh that's okay I guess." I said, he handed me the tray, taking his plate and a soda and leaving me the rest of the food. He was eating a slice of pizza and grape soda, and I had another slice with grape soda too.

"I'm Zayn, by the way." he said. It took me a while to grasp his name, it was so weird and exotic.

"I'm Abby." I replied.

"So, Abby, where are you headed?" he asked.

"I don't know." I replied honestly.

"Oh," he said, putting his now empty plate down "what are you, a runaway or something?" he seemed to be kidding, but he stopped laughing when I nodded my head "no kidding?" he asked.

"nope." I answered him.

"Oh that's bad. Do you need a place to stay?"

I nodded my head, looking up at him hopefully. he bit his lip again "I know I'm not supposed to be doing this, but, will you come with me? I have a house in London, I share it with a few of my friends and well its pretty big and roomy so we have a lot of extra rooms if you'd like to stay."

It was my turn to bite my lip "Okay, but I will be out as soon as I have enough money to get my own place." I decided, I'd get a job while living with Zayn and his friends and when I have enough money to move out indepentidly, I will.

Zayn and I finished our food, then we started talking again. I asked him about his job, his life, his family and he talked the whole time, startling me when he said he was famous. I didn't know how famous he was, but he said that he wasn't that known I guess I trusted him.

I didn't tell him anything about my life though, I didn't want him knowing my deep secrets that I only let to myself. I trusted the boy though, for some reason he made me feel like I'm safe with him. But everyone else I saw still startled me, so why was Zayn any different?


By the time we reached London, it was two days after the incident and Zayn and I became pretty close, I already knew all about his life, his friends, and his family although he didn't know much about me except that I had a brother named Ryan, I left out the part that Ryan was dead.

"Hey, what about we go to the mall before we go to my house?" Zayn asked.

"Why?" I responded.

"Well, first of all, you don't have much clothes and well there is a lot of good food at the mall."

"You want to buy me clothes?" I rolled my eyes "No. Its bad enough I have to live with you."

"just a few things, and were out!" he said.

"Fine," I gave in. But he didn't just buy me a few things, he bought me a whole new wardrobe which was nice but I knew I had to pay him back, even if it takes forever, then we bought some drinks and burgers and we ate in the food court. I didn't expect so many people to notice Zayn, but like ALOT of people did. So Zayn took me to his car and we ate there because he knew how afraid I get around people. He was so sweet to me.

When I finished my burger, Zayn turned and smiled at me "Are you ready to go home?" he asked.

"Sure" I smiled, boy was I was wrong. I was so not ready to see what I saw.

hey! so I hope you guys like this new update! I didn't want everything to go slow pace so I made it all go super fast, but this is the last time I do that promise, okay? I hope you like this! xoxo - Yasmine

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