chapter one

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warning: lots of cursing


Kihyun was scared.

Scared shitless.

Which had to be impossible, because really, he's Yoo Kihyun, after all. And Yoo Kihyun never gets scared. Not even when he disturbs Hyungwon's sleep and the taller male is ready to pick a fight, or when he eats ramen without inviting Wonho.

Technically, people were scared of him (not the other way around, mind you) for his forehead flicks.

But the sight before him terrified him.

And it wasn't even a tsunami or anything. Not to be dramatic, but a tsunami would have been a lot less scarier.

Seriously though, who the hell was outside their dance room, watching them practice? Kihyun was this close to getting Shownu to dial for the fucking police, because um, creepy pervert outside our door - then he realized it was just Byunghwa.

Are you fucking kidding me.

Kihyun rolled his eyes, about to ignore the (once again, uninvited) male when he saw something else. Hold up, what?

Byunghwa was staring intently at their maknae. He seemed oddly fascinated, for some reason.

Kihyun turned his gaze towards Changkyun. Nope, the latter wasn't doing anything dumb (what a surprise), he was just stretching.

The vocalist frowned. What the hell? He reached out to Shownu, ready to activate Pervert Protocols when-

Oh. Oh.

The short vocalist sucked in a breath. Oh my God, Byunghwa has a fucking crush on Changkyun - how the hell did he not notice that sooner? That guy was practically making heart eyes!

He couldn't help but continue scrutinizing the Nubility member, watching the exchange between the him and Changkyun carefully. Honestly, everything was so obvious, now that Kihyun had known something was up. The way Byunghwa's eyes would lit up when speaking to Changkyun. The way he would always, always, bring some sort of gift for the maknae every time he visited - and he visited a lot. Too often, to be honest.

Then, Changkyun announced that he was going out for a private talk with Byunghwa. Of course.

Kihyun waited for the duo to exit the room, a smile gradually blooming on his face.



Aaand cue the laughing fit.

"Uh, are you okay?" Jooheon seemed genuinely concerned as he watched the vocalist struggle to catch his breath.

Kihyun bit his lips, trying to stop giggling but - God, Byunghwa was too obvious, wayy too obvious -

Okay, okay. Deep breaths, deep breaths- Kihyun was wheezing.

"I think we need an ambulance, like, right now." Minhyuk said. Then, he turned towards their leader, whispering, "What's the number you call for a mental hospital?"

Snickering at Minhyuk's comment, Shownu's eyes shone with amusement. "Kihyun, care to share with us what's so funny?"

"Alright, alright, let me just-" Kihyun was crying, "Okay, is it just me, or is it painfully obvious that Byunghwa wants to tink tank with Changkyun? Or frick frack. Whatever."

"Really? 'Tink tank'? Anyways, what the hell are you on abou- oh. Oh."

Kihyun grinned triumphantly. "Right? Even Hyungwon gets it."

Jooheon blinked. "Is that why he keeps coming over? He's tryna date my best friend?"

"Bingo!" Kihyun snapped his fingers. "This is an emergency, team. I propose that we begin Operation Get Fucked as soon as possible." He paused. "It's short for Get Changkyun the Fuck away - I didn't think that through."

"Interesting name," Minhyuk piped. Then, "what's that?"

"We do everything we can, to make sure Byunghwa and Changkyun don't stand a chance. We stop Byunghwa from visiting. We stop Changkyun from going out to meet them. Anything, anything at all, to make sure this ship sinks. You guys got that? Do I make myself clear?"

"Why is this necessary, again?" Hyungwon puzzled.

"Because," Kihyun rolled his eyes, "Byunghwa and Changkyun dating equals to more Byunghwa coming over equals to," Kihyun sighed, "more us hiding in our rooms out of boredom while waiting for him to leave. Do we really want that?"

"No!" Jooheon threw his hands up.

"That's right! So from now on, Operation Get Fucked is in action." Kihyun grinned. He was ready to get everyone to bow down and call him a genius, but then the door reopened, with Changkyun waltzing in.

"Guess what, guys?" The youngest rapper announced, "Nubility is debuting in a month!"

"That's... great news!" Minhyuk called from behind, ignoring the raised brow Hyungwon was giving him. Way to sound sincere, the latter mouthed at him.

"Right? They finally set the date. They kept changing the dates before, I was beginning to think something was wrong." Changkyun raved on, not noticing how everyone else were exchanging looks.

Things were about to get interesting.

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