Chapter 25

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Shailene POV

We're pulling into the driveway of Theo's place and I don't think I can move at all. We have been busy all day just spending time together and then we had such a lovely dinner together. I insisted that we just stay in and relax together but he had so much planned for us that we haven't had much time to relax. He grabs my hand and squeezes it, "Are you tired love?" I look over at him and my heart skips a beat. He looks so handsome. He doesn't even have to do anything special but I can just look at him and see all the things I love about him.

Love? Did I just use the word love? We've only been going out for a little over a month... is it too soon to use the word love? No. I've been in love with Theo for a while now, I'm just now starting to realize it. I loved him when we became best friends, when I fully trusted him and could be myself around him. Since then I've been in love with him ever since. He raises his eyebrow at me, "Shailene?" I come back to my senses and realize he's waiting for me to say something back to him. I slightly shake my head, so many thoughts are going through my mind right now. I love him, I truly love this man. I love how he gets excited about the little things like when he's about to eat Cheetos. I love how he wants to make a difference in his student's life, and is understanding and compassionate. I love how he respects his peers and elders. I love how he treats me, Theo is such an amazing guy.

I lean forward to close the gap between us, our lips meet quickly and go straight to work. This kiss feels different, you can just feel the love between us. It catches him off guard at first but then he gives in and gets closer to me. We're in a car so we can't get super close, but it doesn't stop us at all. When he pulls away we both just stare at each other, catching our breath. No one says anything, we just keep looking at each other. He nods and runs his hand through his hair, taking a deep breath. He chuckles and nods again, "Okay..." All of a sudden he gets out of the car. I raise my eyebrow, what is he doing? I hope I didn't do anything wrong.

He opens the door on my side and takes off my seatbelt, all without breaking eye contact with me. He grabs my legs and slowly moves them towards him, the look he's giving me in indescribable. He spreads them apart to wrap them around him. He slowly starts nodding again, trying to speak but nothing comes out. I smile and nod with him, we chuckle together. His hand slowly comes up and touches my cheek, caressing it. "Shailene..." He whispers to me, I see his eyes go down to my lips then back up to my eyes. I nod and smile, "Yes Theo?" I whisper back to him. He starts leaning forward and I can feel my heart speed up. Our lips press together and I feel a sense of relief.

I feel so comfortable with him, as if all of this is natural. Our lips moving together as one, his hands resting on my hips and I put my hand on his shoulders. His tongue slides into mine, connecting us even more together. I place my hand on his chest and feel his heart beat racing just like mine is. All of a sudden he pulls me more towards him, now there's no space between us. I just want him, I want all of him. When he picks me up it knocks me out of my train of thought, I hear the car door shut behind me and I feel him start walking. I pull back to start laughing, "Theo you can set me down." He shakes his head, "It's more fun this way." He winks and starts laughing.

After a few attempts of getting the house keys out of his pocket he gets them so he can open the door. He shuts it behind us and his lips are back on mine, I slightly smile and give into the kiss. He starts walking again but I don't pay attention to it, all I can focus on is his lips. Next thing I know is he's laying me down on his bed. I pull back and chuckle, he smiles at me and it just confirms how much I love him. I run my hand through his hair, cherishing the moment between us. He takes a deep breath, "Shailene you mean so much to me." I hear the love in his voice, I can see it in his eyes. How did I get so lucky?

I kiss him again, getting caught up in our love. His hand tugs at my shirt, I pull away from the kiss and sit up. I remove my shirt and even though it feels natural, I can't help but feel vulnerable. His eyes look down at my body and move back up to my eyes, "You're beautiful Shailene... so beautiful." I can feel myself starting to blush when he takes off his shirt. He's vulnerable with me. I place my hand on his chest and move closer to him. This isn't the first time I've seen him without a shirt, but it's much different this time. His hands run up and down my side as we sit there together, neither one of us have to say anything. "Shailene..." He says softly. I look over at him and he's making direct eye contact with me.

"I love you Shailene, I know it's cliché to do all of this on Valentines Day... but I can't hide it anymore. I am fully in love with you and it will drive me mad if I don't tell you." I smile bigger than I ever have before. "I love you too Theo, I wanted to tell you for awhile now." He smiles back at me, "Yeah?" I nod as he starts to lean forward again. Our lips meet and he wraps his arms around me, pulling me to him. We're in love... we love each other. To actually say it out loud is so liberating, it all just feels so right. Slowly more of our clothes start coming off, until we're bare to each other. He gets on top of me and I can already feel how hard he is. Our lips are inseparable, both of us wanting more of each other. The kisses get more passionate as time goes on, I wrap my legs around him... getting ready for the moment.

He hovers over me as he pulls back from our kiss. "Shai?" I nod at him, I'm ready. We're ready for this moment. I want this as much as he does. I want to be connected to him in this way, I want to take that next step with him. He slowly inserts himself inside me and I have to bite my lip, he's very impressive. He slowly starts moving his hips back and forth, and we quickly get lost in our love.


A/N; Hello everyone! It's almost been a month since I've been on here... I finally looked at my writing for the first time yesterday. I still don't know what I'm doing with this book but I'll figure it out eventually! I hope this extra longer chapter makes up for it! Thanks for sticking with me


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