Chapter 14

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Theo POV

    New Years Eve. I sit on the patio and look out at the scenery thinking about my life. How much everything has changed. This year has been full of surprises and first times in a lot of things. I left Ruth after many years, I visited the United States for the first time, and I met someone who makes me forget about all of the troubles in the world. She is honestly the best thing that happened to me this year, I can't begin to tell her how much she means to me. All the feelings I've had for her before have intensified greatly ever since I was able to kiss her.

    I've told my whole family about her and they are all looking forward to meeting her. It's really exciting to see how happy they are for me, it just shows me I'm doing the right thing. It was kind of weird telling them that she was one of my students but they can understand the whole age thing and how my situation is pretty unique. I just wish I knew what she was thinking about, how exactly she felt.

    I haven't talked to her since that day. With the holidays and being with our families, we just haven't had time for each other. I sigh as I lean against the railing, I hope every break isn't like this. I don't want to just be something at school and then during breaks just ignoring each other. I mean that's not how a relationship works... I mean we don't have to talk all day every day but I would not want to go a week without speaking to her.

    I wonder what the school is going to say, like I said I know they don't have rules forbidding relationships but I know they will keep close watch. I mean I'm the youngest teacher there, they probably will understand. I hope they understand. If Shailene isn't scared then that's what matters to me. She's a really smart woman, she can make her own decisions. I just can't wait for her to get back so we can have a talk to see where this is going to be going.

Shailene POV

    I should be asleep right now. The sun hasn't even come up yet and here I am thinking about Theo and that kiss we shared. We haven't talked since the kiss, I really hope he doesn't regret it. I wonder if he's thinking about me, or if he realized how stupid kissing me was and wants nothing to do with me now. I chuckle as I realize how fast that went to a negative thinking. He's probably with his family, I know I've been with my family a lot and just hanging out with my friends.

    I look at the clock and only 5 minutes have passed, I groan as I cover my face with the pillow. Everything just seems to be going super slow, I love being here with my family but at the same time I kind of want to go back to see Theo. I sit up quickly, I can go back home early! My family shouldn't mind, I can go surprise him for New Years! It only takes 10 and a half hours to get there if I get a nonstop flight, I could make it work! I call the airport and luckily they have a flight available so it's all going to work out! I can't wait to see him, hopefully he's going to be happy about this!


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