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Fred was on his way, and I was avoiding every possible sight of being seen. After Justin broke up with Selena, I walked all the way by the Frozen Yogurt store, and called Fred. I told him what happened, and he told me he'd drive me anywhere I needed. I'd go to Boca Raton since I'm in Florida, but that'd be too obvious to Scooter, so I'm thinking Cali with Jenette.

When I got a text saying Ariana I'm here. Meet me at the airport. There's a limo waiting for you.

When I walked out of the yogurt shop, I saw Justin and Scooter at the end of the street. I ran to the limo, I opened the door not waiting for the driver to drive. "Step on it, please." I said, and when he drove I watched as Justin frantically looked.

It made me start crying.

Hours later, I was crying on the shoulder of an attendant on the jet. She didn't mind because she went through heartbreak too. "Running away from your problems isn't the way to fix them. Honey, talk to him. He may not feel the same, but he can make you happier."

"I know, but-"

"No buts Grande. When you get to California, paparazzi are going to find you. Justin will come find you afterwards, and he's going to want to talk about it." She made a clear point, smiling. Nodding, she went to attend to Fred. I followed, and sat in the spot next to him.

"Want to fly the plane?" he asked with a smile, trying to cheer me up.

"I'm not in the mood to. I just want to enjoy the view." I whispered, and he nods. Minutes later, the attedant comes in, handing me my phone, I put his against my ear. "Hello?"

"Ariana. Where are you, you had me worried. Please tell me, I'm not going to judge you or anything." Justin said quickly, breaking me into tears again. I sniffled, and sighed. "Ariana, I know how you feel now. I know you don't want to talk about it but runn-"

"I've heard the phrase more than enough." I answered bitterly. "I do not want to talk about it Justin. I know you love Selena, and you broke up with her because of me. Follow your heart Justin, you love her, not me so don't look for me. Look for Selena."

With that, I hung up.

Fred smiled at my positive mood toward him, and turned the plane slightly to the right. We continued going and I sighed, with a slight smile. "We're landing!" he exclaimed. taking the plane downwards, me smiling the process.

When we saw the lane, it hit the ground softly, and started going forward. When it completely stopped, the attendant opened the door for me, winking, and Fred waving goodbye. "Goodbye Fred! I'll see you in a bit."

"You too!"

When I got in the limo, my heart started pounding harder. Possible thoughts ran through my mind. What if paparazzi follow me and tell everyone I'm back in Cali? What if Justin really does come looking for me?

Just thinking of the possibilities made me start crying again.


Omf im crying because of my jariana feels!!

I Love Him - JarianaWhere stories live. Discover now