6. Close Encounters

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"Wait Ella what did Mr. Elk mean?" I said frantically outside of the school.

Graduation just ended and you'd think I'd be running out of here and screaming on the top of my lungs. But, nope. I need clarification! now.

"Chill would you?! The whole staff and parents knew about this. You wanted me to buy those Paris Tickets for you both right? But before I could, Mr. Elk had talked to us all."

"Wait but how is this better for Lora or me? We'll have these idiots breathing down our necks for two months!"

"Oh dear sister, when did I say it was supposed to be better?" she said with a prominent smug look.

I rolled my eyes at her just when I began to notice that there was a small circle around me. Lora, Adam & even Dean.  oh my gosh..he'll be in Paris with me & no doubt he might do something.

Ella leaned into me and said "Sis, don't worry about anything. When you get home I'll try to explain everything in full details."

I nodded and watched Mum and Ella drive away in their car. But as for Lora and I, we drove down a few block to Starbucks to just talk and hang out.

"So basically our getaway isn't going to be a getaway anymore?"

"I guess not." I said sadly. 

"But Darcy, do you realize that our class will be there with us?! That means Adam" she said while nudging my arm while waiting in line.

"..and that also means Dean and his stupid fudging group!" Flashbacks from what happened earlier today reoccurred. If Adam hadn't came in there I wouldn't probably be able to make the ceremony. I am not sure if I should tell Lora or not. She would get pissed and no doubt confront him.

"Two grande double chocolatey chip frappes with white mocha instead of regular please." I asked the cashier. I was just about to walk away yo the pick-up till I noticed that he looked odly familiar.

I looked at him again & caught him looking at me as well. I walked back to him only to have an angry lady yell at me for cutting her. I just ignored her and studied the hut's face for a bit. So familiar. But where have I seen him?

"Hey, do I know you? You seem really familiar" I asked the guy. He seemed okay to me.

"My my, isn't it Virgin Darcy."


"Fuck off. Your obviously Dean's friend. I guess you were too busy because his lap-dog that you couldn't graduate." as I finished saying that, I turned around to find Lora looking at me with a curious look. She handed me my drink and we went to a table and sat down.

"What was that about?" Lora asked me while taking a sip of her drink.

"Nothing. He was just being dumb."

"Oh okay. & wait I was meaning to ask you, but why were you walking in with Adam from the copy room? Where was Dean?" she asked while a glint of curiosity flickered in her eyes.


Should I tell her? I mean if I did she'd go right now and find him. If I don't then I'll be a bad friend to her! Maybe I could twist it?

"Oh um.. yeah. Dean bailed on me and I just found Adam in the hallways and s-so he h-helped me." Almost got it.

"Oohh.. little lover boy is always around you huh?" she said while winking at me suggestively giving off another ideas.

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